Savor: To appreciate fully; enjoy or relish. (verb) Before I finished the first draft of my first novel, I envisioned celebrating its …
Leaping Smart: Useful Steps for Authors
"Leap, and the net will appear." —John Burroughs I'm a big fan of leaping toward our dreams, fueled up on faith and determination. If we …
Deadlines: Lifelines for Writers
If you sit around waiting for inspiration, it may never come. I met an author—let's call him "Larry"—at a conference last year whose …
Make Like Dorothy: BOAW BlogFest Wrap Up
Dorothy: Oh, will you help me? Can you help me? Glinda: You don't need to be helped any longer. You've always had the power to go back to …
LSR #7: Pursuing Passion
pas·sion/ˈpaSHən/ Strong and barely controllable emotion. N. — Before I transitioned from acting/modeling/writing to writing …