Happy New Year, beauties! I hope you all had wonderful, soul-nourishing holidays. I had a blast visiting family, chilling out and looking back and forward—as we tend to do around New Year’s.
Before that, I had the pleasure of celebrating 100 episodes of Girl Boner® Radio with my gal pal and stylist extraordinaire, Rayne Parvis, of Style By Rayne—such fun! To hear Rayne interview me about Embraceable, all-things-Girl Boner® and more, click here.
To start the year here, I thought I’d share a handful of practices I’m committed to leading my life by. Rather than keep a to-do list, I check in with myself routinely, posing the below questions.
Sure, there are days I skimp on one and max out on another—but the goal isn’t “perfection.” By aiming to live well and fiercely, we can all be and do more without going bonkers. We’ll even have a blast doing it.
♥ Have you hustled?
I’m not talking about the swindling definition of hustle. I mean working with gusto toward your goals and dreams. To me, hustling means making the most of your time and energy while pushing yourself out of your comfort zone—if even for 20 minutes a day. Examples could include making challenging phone calls, asking for help, saying YES to a butterfly-sy opportunity or concocting one of your own. We’re never too old or inexperienced to dream huge, delicious dreams, so do it!
♥ Did you play?
It’s easy to let play fall to the wayside, but it’s important. “We don’t lose the need for novelty and pleasure as we grow up,” says Scott G. Eberle, Ph.D, editor of the American Journal of Play and vice president of play studies at The Strong. Psychiatrist Stuart Brown, MD, compares play to oxygen. Through decades of researching the power of play, he found that a lack is just as influential as other factors that contribute to criminal behavior, and that playing together rekindles couples’ intimacy—not to mention makes life sweeter. So, play! Paint. Dance. Color. Make love. Make music. Make both.
♥ Were you generous?
Giving is a superpower, especially when we give to give, versus for a particular reaction. Countless studies have linked generosity to physical and emotional health—revealing perks such as lower blood pressure, sharper memories skills and less anxiety and depression. Regardless, it’s the kind thing to do. Volunteer your time and energy to a good cause. Donate to your favorite charity. Kick up your kindness to loved ones or strangers.
♥ Did you practice self-care?
That generosity sure as heck better extend to yourself! The adage is true: We have to put our oxygen masks on before helping others don theirs. If you find yourself tending to everyone but you, stop and remind yourself how selfish that actually is. Provide a good role model for others by nourishing yourself first and foremost. We only have as much to give as we’ve already nurtured within ourselves.
♥ Were you mindful?
John Lennon was one wise dude. Life really can happen while we’re busy making other plans—but it doesn’t have to. Learning to cultivate mindfulness has been one of the most powerful steps (journeys, really) I’ve taken. Mindfulness boosts overall wellness while increasing connection with ourselves—all vital for living bold, fulfilling, empowered lives. Spend time in nature. Pay attention to food as you eat it. Listen more to others. If you’re looking for a simple meditation aid, I highly recommend Simply Being, which you can purchase for $1.99 on iTunes.
What do you think of these questions? Do you abide by any or all of them? If not, what would make your list? I love hearing from you!
Psst! I’m planning official release events for Embraceable, starting February 1st. Stay tuned for more info!
Great stuff! I need to work on al of these, I think. Thanks so much for the inspiration!
I’m so glad you found them helpful, Mary. Cheering for you!
All of your suggestions are so practical, so common sense. Why not live fiercely? It seems the way to experience the most out of life. I really like your concept of hustle–I had not thought of it that way. I like it. It is as if “the hustle” is a lead-in to mindfulness, generosity, and compassionate self-care. It gives us time for play. All of these questions reflect a thoughtful mind-body relationship. Thanks so much, August.
So touched that this struck you, Karen! Hustling really can increase other goodness – and it perpetuates itself. It is itself a form of self-care, IMO. We ignite the inner-child, who is so wise, reminding ourselves that most anything is possible. Wishing you loads of sparkle this year.
These are great questions! I know I don’t do these every day but I’m excited to think of how my life might change if I did.
Glad you thought so! For me, some are practically involuntary nowadays, but hustling (as an adult), self-care and mindfulness have benefited so much from regular check-ins.
These are great questions. Hope you don’t mind but I’m reblogging this on the misterio press blog. Excellent advice for making the new year a great one!
I’m totally tickled that you’re reblogging this in such a sweet place. Cheers, Kassandra!
What genius questions! These are inspiring me to come up with a version for myself.
I love that, Amy. Have fun with yours!
Happy New Year August. Thank you for these wonderful meaningful questions! They really are important and I need to work on that. Seriously.
Happy New Year, AJ! I’m so glad you found them helpful.
I try to do all of the above, but I realize my “play” list is kind of thin. I’m just so intoxicated with my life in Pacifica, that I don’t take the opportunity to go out and sample the amazing fares of San Francisco. I’m going to try to be less of a hermit this year! Thanks for the sound advice, August!
This is awesome August. Great way for people to start the year. xo Ella
Do I hustle? The first thing that came to my mind was the dance until I read the paragraph that followed. I seem to push myself all the time. Things come up that push me out of my comfort zone. And I do think I’m generous and mindful. Self-care I try to practice. But the one thing that is my weakness is play. Being the eldest child who was raised in an era that didn’t allow that much play time, it’s hard for me, especially since I’ve aged a bit, (Shh, don’t tell anyone.), to schedule play time. Yet, you’re right. It is important. And I’m going to work on it. Thanks August for such an upbuilding post.
Thanks for sharing August – spot on advice! I don’t do enough of any of these things myself. I figure every day is a good day to start something new and positive. Hustling is probably what I’ll be focussing on myself in 2016 – it’s too easy to get tied up in writing projects and stuff, but that’s only half the deal or less for writers.
Wishing you the best, no matter how you spend your time in 2016! You’re so right about the juggling and diversions writing invites.
Oh girl, I am behind on my blogging, but I am all about this post. It’s been a tough end of 2015 and I’m all about the hustle this 2016. Here goes nothing! As for my self care: I’m rewarding myself with fun bookish purchases and your book is on that list!!!!
You are so fabulous! I’m finally investing in myself, for the first time in a long time. I’m pursuing my art. And doing something scary every day. Thank you for all you do to keep inspiring us.
Love the work you are doing, August. I’ve found mindfulness to be so important to maintaining loving long-term relationships — with oneself and others. I think often the greatest gift I can offer is my full, undivided attention. I know that when I am fully present in the moment with whatever may be happening, the feeling is indistinguishable from that of love.
Beautifully said, Wendy. Being fully present is something I’ve been working hard on in recent years – so impactful! Thanks so much for the kind words and support.