Words, stories and music… I struggle to think of entities more powerful. When I was enduring the darkest time of my life, the eating disorder I shared in my last post, this poem struck me like a dart between the eyes, pinning me to a wall of “What if?” What if its words hold true—not just rationally or solely for other people, but in my heart, soul and beliefs? What if we’re all beautiful and the truest, deepest beauty has little to do with shape or size? What if the “something more” so many of us long for exists inside of us, waiting to be unlocked and cherished? What if I wasn’t afraid of being large, but living large? And in doing so, missing out on the most remarkable beauty of all?
The Beauty of a Woman
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; Never throw out anybody.
Remember, If you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!”
Authored by Sam Levenson, quoted often by Audrey Hepburn
Eating disorders, like many addictions and fixations, have little to do with aesthetics. Whether we’ve had such an illness or not, most of us are not strangers to insecurity or harmful attempted ways to cope. We try to diet away our lack of self-esteem, drink to douse our pain or party, sex, eat or shop our way to fulfillment. Sadly, these efforts only mask and stunt the authentic beauty we’re capable of while the underlying issues grow deeper.
The answer? There are no simple ones. But life has taught me that sharing our thoughts, beliefs and stories, expressing ourselves creatively and joining forces with like-minded others has the power to uplift, open eyes, bring healing and even turn lives around.
Last year, over 40 writers shared touching, honest, poignant and laugh-out-loud funny posts in the first annual Beauty of a Woman BlogFest. Thousands collectively enjoyed the submissions, turning that day and numerous following into a beauty-celebrating extravaganza. Thanks to everyone who made last year’s event successful, I’m THRILLED to announce the Beauty of a Woman BlogFest II.
What: A blog-fest designed to celebrate beauty, however you define it.
Who: YOU! The fest is open to women and men.
When: Friday, February 22nd
Where: Right here!
How: Sign up on the blog-fest page. On fest-day, stories will appear in order of appearance, so the sooner you sign up, the better. You’ll post your installment on your blog on Thursday, February 21st, along with this year’s badge. On the 22nd, submission links will appear here. Participants will then read, comment on, “like” and share everyone’s posts throughout social media.
Why: To have fun, be inspired and entertained, inspire or entertain others, gain exposure and blog readers and, potentially, win a Kindle Fire or equivalent Amazon gift card. (All participants and commenters will be entered into the prize drawing. The more blogs you visit, the greater your chance at winning becomes.)
To signup and for blog post prompts, head over to this link: Beauty of a Woman BlogFest 2013. To check out last year’s fest, visit the BOAW BlogFest 2012. If you’d prefer to participate as a reader only, please do.
Did you participate in the BOAW blog-fest last year? What was your experience like? Any questions about this one? What words have struck you at a particularly important time? If you have questions about the fest, please post them in the comments below or email me. (The BOAW tab is intended for signups only.) I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
I second the above Yay! I’m in.
I lurked last year and loved what I read. This year? Game on! I’m in.
August, I’m sending you an email with a quick question. Just so you know…
Super on all counts, Gloria.
So glad all three of you ladies are joining. It’s gonna be fun!
I am in!!!!!!!! It will be fun to see what everyone comes up with…
Ditto, Susie! Thanks for joining.
Signing up now!
I am so in, August! Glad you’re doing this again. Thanks!
I didn’t last year but perhaps I will this year — it’s such a wonderful beautiful ‘event’ —
You’d be a very welcome addition, Kat! No pressure, of course. Readers and cheerers are just as valuable.
I loved this last year. Count me in this year!
Reblogged this on raaniyork and commented:
I think this is a fantastic opportunity! Use it!!
I’ve never participated, but it sounds interesting and like fun – I’ve reblogged this on my own Blog and on Google.
You’ll fit right in, Raani! Thanks for the support.
Sam Levenson was a funny man (yes, I’m old enough to remember him), but he was quite a wise one, too. Great poem!
Reblogged this on Musings of an Opinionated Woman and commented:
I’m participating!
What a wonderful idea!
What a wonderful tribute to our innerselves and not our outer selves. I am in.
Welcome! I’m thrilled that you’re joining us.
This is beautifully written. Women and little girls should speak and affirm their beauty within – their wonderful attributes to society.
Lovely of you to say, Cherrye. Thank you! And I couldn’t agree more regarding girls and women.
Fantastic! I missed signing up for the last one. That was awesome of you to organise, August. Looking forward to it.
Yay! I’m so excited it’s back. I missed last year and was so bummed that I didn’t participate. I’ve been thinking all year about what I would’ve written and now I get the chance. Thank you!
Perfection… I’ll reblog on mine as well… I read it on Raani’s site, but followed it here.
Reblogged this on Keli has a Blog.
Missed it last year–I’m in this time around!
And I’ll reblog this for my usual Wednesday post!
Good news! It was great fun to be part of this special day last year. Count me in again!
Reblogged this on Marcia Richards and commented:
I missed this fabulous event last year and I wasn’t about to let that happen again!
If you love women’s stories, women in general, blogging or just love to support your favorite bloggers, you must attend “The Beauty of a Woman Blogfest!!
Below is a reblog of August McLaughlin’s post on this blogfest. You DON’T want to miss this!!
I want to try. Let me see what comes up after I sit down to write today.
I’m on board…thanks to Catherine Johnson…saw a blurb about this on her blog.:) They say you can’t tell a book by its cover…and this applies even more truly to people…the beauty that is within each one of us far outshines any outward appearance. What a worthwhile challenge!