And by weight, I mean the heft of all consequences of unhealthy habits, not merely excess pounds.
It’s no news to most of us that dieting doesn’t work—but neither do countless other risky plans and products marketed to weight loss-seekers. Even if they did safely and effectively promote weight control, the results would last if you failed to address the underlying causes of those added pounds. The solution isn’t focusing on weight loss, but life gain.
Here’s how you do it:
If you focus on added pounds, you’ll likely gain stress, hunger pangs and, eventually, more pounds. Focus instead on what you want—which generally goes for beyond aesthetics.
Rather than strive for slimness, live largely. Get so busy cultivating a life you cherish that caring for yourself and body become a near given, and fixating on your body shape or size, a waste of precious time.
When you respect and listen to your body rather than fight or shun it, your lifestyle habits improve and your weight gravitates to a healthy place. When it does, you won’t likely know the number—because why should you care? Weight control and loads of other benefits are byproducts of a healthy, happy life.
I sat down to write a post on healthy alternatives to the risky goals and practices folks implement near New Year’s, then realized I’ve already written about them all pretty extensively. So instead, I created a simple image highlighting the most important tips to share on social media. People have been so beautifully responsive (You’re rockstars. Thanks!), I decided to share it here as well, along with related resources.
In all my work in the wellness field, I’ve encountered little as effective as these steps. I’ve witnessed their magic in hundreds of lives, from those with anorexia to morbid obesity. I’ve seen them improve people’s moods, energy, digestion, skin health and relationships, end to yo-yo dieting and lower cholesterol, high blood pressure and physical pain. I’m not sure I’d be around today without them.
I wish I could bottle them up and make them snappy and appealing to the masses—not for financial profit, but because they’d better the whole darn world. The good news? They can brighten your world, free of charge, any time you want. They may take time to flourish, but the benefits will start manifesting immediately. All it takes is a willing heart.
If you’d like to give any number of them a go, here are some related resources that may help you on your journey:
Written by me:
Joy, Patience and Hot Dogs: Cooking With Maya Angelou via
Love the Skin You’re In: Putting the Order Back in Disordered Eating via
Nourish Your Body, Nurture Yourself via
#GirlBoner Wellness: 5 Ways Dieting Zaps Libido via my blog
Dodging Diets via my blog
Toxic Cleanse: Debunking Detox Diet Myths via DAME Magazine
Why Fitness Plans Derail: 4 Common Pitfalls to Avoid via
The Benefits of Intuitive Eating and How to Get Started via
The Fulfillment Diet: Pursuing Passion First, via Bartlett’s Integrated Health Journal
Written/created by others:
How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind, by Pema Chödrön – a super practical, easy read!
Simply Being: Guided Meditation for Relaxation and Presence, an awesome meditation app
KM Huber’s blog: a lush resource for mindfulness and zen living
The Power of Rest: Why Sleep Alone is Not Enough, by Matthew Edlund – the best book I’ve found on simple ways to rest more (great for monkey-minded insomniacs ;))
The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron No, this isn’t a health book—but it can help promote wellness. I recommend particularly for folks dealing with severe body dissatisfaction, binge eating or compulsive dieting. It’s also invaluable for creatives who feel stifled.
10 Steps to Positive Body Image, via the National Eating Disorders Association
Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy and joyful New Year. ♥
Jami Gold says
Love those New Year’s Resolutions, August! I generally don’t do NYR because they’re geared toward beating ourselves up about something, but those work for me.
August McLaughlin says
Most resolutions really are self-defeating. So glad these struck you!
russgrant says
That’s the best way to look at it. Don’t focus on your weight and say “When I am this weight I will…” Get out and live your life. Go do the things you say you want to do and let your weight find it’s natural level. The number on the scale doesn’t dictate the man I am, nor should it dictate the woman you are either. Get out and DO!
August McLaughlin says
Well said! Scales are for fish.
Catherine Johnson says
Love those resolutions, August! Monkey minded insomniac is totally me lol. Happy New Year!
August McLaughlin says
LOL No wonder we’re friends! Happy New Year!
karenmcfarland says
Great links and some great inspiration August! “They can brighten your world, free of charge, any time you want. They may take time to flourish, but the benefits will start manifesting immediately. All it takes is a willing heart.” Don’tcha know that I’ll be bookmarking this. Awesome! Btw, have a wonderful visit with the family! And stay warm.
Bette Golden Lamb says
Awesome post, August! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
August McLaughlin says
Happy New Year, Bette! Hugs!
alicamckennajohnson says
What a great post and so timely! I am beginning a new way of eating, and these will help me stay focused on what is really important. While I want to be slimmer I REALLY want to be healthier and stronger. I’m hoping to change the way I eat and create a healthy exercise routine I can maintain, even when I’m an emotional wreck!
August McLaughlin says
So glad you found it helpful, Alica! Let me know if I can support you and those goals any time. Total faith in you!
alicamckennajohnson says
Hugs thank you August! I’ll take you up on that, just wait for the emotional unstable venting emails as I- an emotional eater- work to get healthy!
Raani York says
Your resolutions are great, August. Unfortunately NYR never work for me – but I’ve never tried these!
August McLaughlin says
Conventional ones seldom work for anyone. So glad these appeal to you!
KM Huber says
Am really honored to be included as a resource, August. That means a great deal to me. As others have noted, these resolutions really strike a chord. They are practical but most of all, they are doable for anyone “with a willing heart.” Incredibly inspiring post, August! Again, thanks for the shoutout.
Matthew Wright says
Those resolutions are a great philosophy of life! An inspiring post – thanks, August, for sharing! And all the very best for 2015 and your endeavours.
August McLaughlin says
Cheers, Matthew. So glad they resonated with you!
Carrie Rubin says
“Obsess over your passions”—I love that one. When we do that, we find we’re feeding our minds and hearts so much, we don’t need to overfeed our bodies as well.
August McLaughlin says
So true, Carrie! It also frees us up from trying to change or fight our bodies. When we’re in tune with its needs, we simply have to listen.
J.B. Whitmore says
Yay. So, so, right on.