“She wins who calls herself beautiful and challenges the world to change to truly see her.” — Naomi Wolf
Do you ever feel less sexy because you’re not as tall, curvy or thin as you (or society) would like? Or longed to step off the dieting bandwagon for good? If so, this episode is for you.
Join August as she chats with body image advocate Shannon Hammer and motivational stylist Rayne Parvis on ways to look and feel sexy at any shape and size. Gain tips for managing emotional eating, myths about thinness, how to choose stylish #HeelFree shoes and exude sexiness no matter what your appearance and more! Plus, Dr. Megan Fleming returns with advice for a man who wants to help his wife feel more attractive in the bedroom.
Listen on iTunes, Stitcher Radio or below, or watch the live recorded episode on YouTube!
Enticing Extras:
- Shannon Hammer’s motivational food journal on Amazon: The Positive Portions
- Rayne’s book: The Ultimate Guide to Style
- August’s column on The Good Men Project: Body Image and the Bedroom
- August, Rayne, Shannon and Dr. Megan on Twitter:
- @AugstMcLaughlin@StyleByRayne@ShannonMHammer@MeganFlemingPhD
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Have a beautiful, Girl Boner embracing week!
Once again, practical options for self-care, for embracing the power within each of us. This podcast is for any person of any shape or any size. There is no one mold for beauty but certainly in each of us is a beauty ready to shatter any one-size only kind of beauty. This is such an informative add engaging discussion on sexy, the beauty within.
For me, one of the most poignant moments in podcast is Dr. Megan’s thoughtful advice to the husband wanting to help his wife “see herself through his [adoring] eyes.” The emphasis is on patience, letting beauty bloom.
As always, a thoughtful podcast on being more mindful, more compassionate, beginning with ourselves.
Thanks to all!
Thanks so much, Karen. Truly glad you enjoyed it! “Letting beauty bloom” — indeed.
Thanks for having me on. Such a bright star you are.
Loved having you! xo