“It can be wonderful to be with your soulmate, and it can be very challenging to be with your soulmate.” — Marla Martenson
Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Marla Martenson on my radio show. Chatting with the witty, insightful matchmaker truly rocked my world! I highly recommend pulling up a chair and a vanilla soy latte before hitting play.
Play or download the free podcast of our interview via iTunes—or using this link—to learn the following:
- Recent findings about what adults REALLY want for Valentine’s Day (Hint: It’s not chocolate!)
- Marla’s funniest—and true!—dating stories
- What makes the LA dating scene, er, unique!
- Marla’s definition of a soulmate and how to attract one
- Her dos and don’ts for online dating
- The best ways for singles to celebrate Valentine’s Day
- An outrageous excerpt from her latest memoir, Hearts on the Line
If you’ve enjoyed Girl Boner Radio and believe in its mission, for every woman to embrace her body and sexuality, I hope you’ll consider posting a rating and review on iTunes. To learn more about Marla’s fabulous work, visit her website and connect with her on Twitter. Many thanks for the support! ♥
For more romance and Valentine’s Day fun, check out these links:
Marla Martenson: Love is in the Air!
Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh: What is Valentine’s Day Really About?
Jenny Hansen: Foolproof Fun for Valentine’s Day (Relationship NOT Required)
Susie Lindau: With or Without a Lover, This Valentine’s Day is Yours!
BonBonBreak magazine: And Now I Celebrate Valentine’s Day by Alexandra Rosas
National Eating Disorders Association (by yours truly ;)): Become Your Own St. Valentine: 5 Ways to Love Your SELF
How do you define soulmate? Do you agree with Marla’s definition? What did you think of her dating tips and stories? What’s your favorite way to spend Valentine’s Day? I LOVE hearing your thoughts. ♥
Sex and the single girl: it can be challenging! And Valentine’s Day? Well … hoards of men show up at my door with chocolate and flowers begging for my attention – but I could be exaggerating.
Will have fun checking out your links!
Ha. What a problem!
I love what Marla shared on the air about her single days. She used to take herself out for fine dining and wine on V-Day. Thinking we should all do that occasionally!
Thanks for the shout and congrats on your radio show. Soon you’ll have your own TV show following The Doctors!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thanks, Susie! Have a beautiful Valentine’s Day, too — loved your post.
Aww! Thanks again!!
Thank you so much. I love the internet, and the amazing people I’ve met.
Amen, Alexandra. Cheers!
Jacqueline and I usually watch SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE on Valentine’s Day. But in truth, we celebrate it every day of the year.
I love that. Such a sweet couple you are!
I had an awesome time on your show August. Thanks for having me, I know it is going to be a big hit! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. xxoo
Thank YOU, Marla! Having you was a total treat. Happy V-Day!
Perhaps our souls are like one of those split hearts you see on necklaces, you can get them with both halves matching. They have the jagged edge, a lot like you’ll find on a key. Like keys, the permutations of those little grooves are in the thousands. Some keys will go into a lock and not turn the tumblers, others wont even fit. Then there are those that slip in and almost turn them all. To find the one that opens the door, well, that can take an eternity.
I love that analogy Laurie!
Thanks Marla. It’s early morning here and I get a little deep at this time of day.
I’m with Marla, Laurie. Beautifully said! You may want to jot that down in your wife’s valentine.
Thank you August, too late.
Wow, August. It took me quote some time to read it all.
As you know I think I’ve found my soulmate. I personally think the bond between us is so strong sometimes that we don’t even need to say something, just look at each other and we know what the other one thinks.
There are plenty of “misunderstandings” that make us laugh though – but basically the others’ needs and happiness is important to each one of us. That’s what soulmates are for me.
As you know, my soulmate isn’t living around the corner (yet) – that’s why I’ll be spending Valentines’ Day all by myself… and his picture in my heart.
Happy Valentines’ Day to you!
Sounds like you’ve definitely found that special someone, Raani! I’m so grateful for that. I hope you both feel profound closeness tomorrow, and all days. I know that distance can be both tough and strengthening. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Great show, August. Marla’s brilliant. Valentine’s day isn’t one of my fave holidays, but it’s probably because I’ve been single as of late. Since my grandfather has passed, my Nana and I usually treat ourselves to some dark chocolate and red wine. She lost her soul mate a few years ago, and they were married for a little over fifty years. Haven’t met my soul mate just yet, but I wholeheartedly believe in that beautiful notion. Here’s to finding that special someone and having a wonderful Valentine’s day. XOXOX
So glad you enjoyed it! She really does know her stuff.
I hope you had a beautiful V-Day with your nana. Your tradition sounds precious! Here’s to you following in her soulmate-love footsteps.
Can’t wait for a little free time to listen to this episode and check out the links you shared. Thanks!
Thank YOU, Kitt! Hope you enjoy them.