Contrary to what pop culture suggests, treating ourselves to tasty vittles is extremely sexy! Depriving ourselves, on the other hand, not so …
Amanda Kyle Williams
What’s REALLY Thrilling About ThrillerFest: Fabulous Authors Weigh In!
"An artist cannot fail. It is a success to be one." - Charles Horton Cooley What do you get when you put a bunch of story lovers with dark …
A Peek Inside ‘Big 6’ Author Life: Amanda Kyle Williams
Thank goodness for books! Seriously. With all of the buzz circulating about Abercrombie & Fitch and its CEO's damaging messages, I've …
IN HER SHADOW Thrill-fest and Release Party!
When I finished the first draft of my novel, I called my mom, sniffling. "You should rest," she said. "You just birthed a novel." Yes, as a …
Amanda Kyle Williams on Writing, Inspiration & Her Latest Hit
I was packing my bags in New York after attending ThrillerFest this past summer and nearly left Amanda Kyle Williams' The Stranger You Seek …