If you sit around waiting for inspiration, it may never come. I met an author—let's call him "Larry"—at a conference last year whose …
LSR #7: Pursuing Passion
pas·sion/ˈpaSHən/ Strong and barely controllable emotion. N. —Dictionary.com Before I transitioned from acting/modeling/writing to writing …
Meeting Deadlines with R & R
What do you do when you have several important deadlines upcoming? I say, take a break. Better yet, take several. I'm in this boat right now …
Dodging the Blues by Letting Things Slide
Last week I interviewed Katrina Leupp, an up-and-coming sociologist and researcher at the University of Washington, on behalf of …
Writers’ Deadly Vices
Okay, so there are LOTS more than seven vices that can nuke a writing career. Fortunately, there are plentiful ways to prevent and stop …