“Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” — Anthony Bourdain
How do you feel about your body? If you’re like most women, not as great as you’d like to. But there’s hope!
2:00 Girl Boner®’s current relationships expert, Dr. Megan Fleming, weighs in on the link between body image and sexuality and how to embrace both. She’s learned to improve her own attitudes about her body and openly shares how.*
12:10 Then August shares some of her top tips for cultivating positive body image, based on personal and professional experience. Learn simple dietary and behavioral steps you can start taking today.
20:52 Lastly (but far from least!), August interviews Emily Nolan, award-winning blogger and founder of the nonprofit Topless, a self-confidence tour founded on vulnerability and radical honesty. Emily shares takeaways from her decade of struggling with eating disorders, as well as her motivation for launching #HealthyBellySelfie, tips for yoga newbies and more.
Listen on iTunes, Stitcher Radio or by streaming below! Then let August (@AugstMcLaughlin), Emily (@MyKindofLife_Em) and Dr. Megan (@MeganFlemingPhD) what you think by posting a comment below or through social media. You can also contact August directly here.
*Apologies for minor feedback that lasts a few minutes around the 7:00 mark! #TechnicalDifficulties

Stream the episode here!
You and your show are amazing, August!!
Yet another great show! In some ways, this one is even more dear and near to my heart for yoga and mindfulness have completely changed my life. Dr. Megan’s comment regarding mindfulness as one of the most powerful tools for body image is spot on. Of course, she usually is. I really enjoy what she brings to the show.
Emily Nolan has a really great idea in topless yoga, and the fact that the tour is following fashion week is nothing short of brilliant. Again, her remarks regarding yoga as a unique and personal experience that brings a connection with the body like no other is something every human being can access. It does not get much better than that, I think.
And last but far from least, your practical and no-nonsense comments regarding what we eat and how that establishes a relationship with our body is yet again another piece of advice that any woman or man can take and make their own. Brilliant!
As you know, I am a great GB fan–each show is unique and informative for everyone–yet a show like this reveals just how each one of us can be the best we can be. Thanks to everyone for yet another fine broadcast.