I’m having one of those heart-gushy, “I’m so freaking grateful” moments, thanks to my friend and insanely talented author Mike Miller, and Patty Stith, president of the prestigious Oklahoma Writers’ Federation Inc.. A week from today, I’ll be mingling with wonderful wordsmiths, sharing some insight and soaking in even more in Oklahoma. I’d take such a conference over a Bahamas cruise any day of the year.
I’m honored to be a guest on Patty’s OWFI blog today, answering questions about writing, my career, gender swapping and more. I hope you’ll check it out. To read the interview, click the above link or this photo:
If you haven’t yet registered for OWFI and would like to, there’s still time! For more details, visit OWFI.org. You can also keep up with the conference via Twitter, using hashtags #OWFI and #OWFI13.
lifeonwry.com says
Oklahoma is my home state. Have fun and best of luck!
August McLaughlin says
Sweet, and thanks! It’ll be my first time there.
Mike Miller says
“Freakin grateful” works both ways, McLaughlin Rather surreal that at this time next week we’ll be kickin it.
August McLaughlin says
Surreal is right! So excited.
Kathryn Chastain Treat says
Great interview.
August McLaughlin says
Thanks, Kathryn!
laurie27wsmith says
Good article, nothing like a few insights into a person.
August McLaughlin says
I appreciate that, Laurie – thanks!
Raani York says
I wish I could be there, August! Have fun!! – And the interview is very special. I love it!!
August McLaughlin says
I wish too, Raani! Thanks for the sweet support.
David N. Walker says
Used to belong, and I attended one conference there. I now attend DFW Conference, which I like better. Come join us next year.
August McLaughlin says
It’s a bummer that they’re the same weekend this year, David. I do hope to make it to DFW another time. Have a blast, and give me regards to all of the WANAs!
Rebekah Loper says
Sooo excited for next weekend, it’s going to be great! We’re a nice homey bunch here in Oklahoma :). You’re gonna love us!
August McLaughlin says
Aw. That’s great to hear, Rebekah. I can’t wait to meet you and the rest of the bunch!
Kitt Crescendo says
So great to see you getting some much deserved recognition! If I lived in OK, I’d definitely want to be a part of your group.
August McLaughlin says
You’re so sweet, Kitt. Thanks! Wish you could join us, too.
Gloria Richard Author says
Wonderful interview, August. Duh! As it you’d do anything less.
Why-oh-why does OWFI have to be the same weekend as DFW Con? Use some of your pennies to take a detour to Texas while you’re in Oklahoma. Free room and board? Or, I’ll meet you at the border.
Do your thing! You’ll rock it. But, we will miss you.
August McLaughlin says
Ooh, great idea! One of these days, we’ll all be conferencing/partying together. Have a BLAST at DFW Con. I can’t wait to hear about it, and will be missing my WANA pals like crazy.
Debra Eve says
Congrats, August! Sounds like so much fun.
kindredspirit23 says
August, you have become pretty special to me. I love reading your posts and really enjoy “Girl Boner”. You are one of those people who is helping me through an intense time of my life – one that I am enjoying, it is just intense.
Kourtney Heintz says
Congrats on the guest blog and on hobnobbing with such cool writers! How was the trip out there?
August McLaughlin says
Thanks, Kourtney! OWFI was a blast. I love mingling with writers, and this group was exceptionally friendly.