“For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.” — Sam Levenson, The Beauty of a Woman
Five years ago, I hosted the first Beauty of a Woman BlogFest, as a thanks for the support I received after sharing a post about my experience with an eating disorder. The fest quickly took on a life of its own, drawing hundreds of bloggers and thousands of readers together with a common goal: to celebrate and explore real beauty, however we define it. I’m so grateful for everyone who’s participated! Your posts have made us laugh, ache, cry, think and grow.
I’m pleased to announce the upcoming Beauty of a Woman BlogFest V! *tosses confetti*
Normally, the fest takes place the last week of February, to coincide with National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. This year, since my new book, Embraceable, is about to release in paperback (kickstarting some fun release happenings!), I’ve decided to push it back a bit. I want to make sure I can devote full attention to all of these happenings.
#BOAW16 will take place the first week of May, leading up to Mother’s Day—which seems similarly appropriate timing-wise, don’t you think? Participants can tie their posts into the holiday or not, and we’ll again have two categories: Original and Girl Boner.
Registration will open in April, so stay tuned for updates! If you have a prize valued at $50 or more you’d like to donate, please contact me.
To peruse previous years’ fests, click these links:
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014 Original
- 2014 Girl Boner
- 2015 (both categories)
I hope to see you at the Embraceable release party/giveaway and the fest! Sending loads of love in the meantime. ♥
— August
can you do blog on heavy breathing after orgasm and whether or not you can reach another orgasm during calming heavy breathing down?
I’m answering sex questions on my show this week, so I’ll add this to the mix. Thanks for the good question!
The episode will appear on iTunes first (search for Girl Boner Radio in podcasts), then here: https://augustmclaughlin.com
Oh, this is such a great announcement. I’d like to participate, August, and I can’t wait for the registration. Thanks for giving me something to look forward to.
I’m so thrilled to hear you’ll be joining us again, AJ! It wouldn’t be the same without you.
Great news, August! You know I’ll be there!
Congratulations on the paperback launch of Embraceable!
Thank you, Patricia! The fest would not be the same without you!
Can’t wait!! And I tie in with Mother’s Day is a great idea.
Yes!! Mathair and I would love to participate this year. We get so excited for BOAW, August. It’s a time when Mathair and I can just really have in depth conversations about what we’re going to do for the fest which gets us talking about femininity, female empowerment, and sexuality together. It really does help us grow as mother and daughter and we’re both grateful for the BOAW and the opportunity to share our experiences and learn from others.
So much excitement going on! Congrats on the upcoming release of Embraceable! The fest sounds fabulous and something I would love to participate in. Maybe tying in beauty with a chronic illness? Let me know if that is possible. xoxo
This is the fifth year? Wow August, this has become quite a successful event. I am so excited for you, and as always, look forward to reading everyone’s wonderful posts. Congrats my dear friend on the coming release of your new book! Wahoo! Spring is your season this year!
Looking forward to it. I always participate in this one. It’s so much fun!