Did My Mother Put You Up to This?
Shortly before I swapped my acting career for writing, a casting director said something I’ll never forget: “You look so familiar… Ever had your head carved out of butter?”
I knew immediately that he was A) from Minnesota, where head-butter sculpting is celebrated, had a bizarre dairy-chiseling fetish or C) knew my mother. (Mom’s been known to set people up for such…adventures.) Before I could speculate further, he revealed himself as a MN State Fair groupie. So I busted out my best Fargo-like accent and ended up landing the job. (Nothin’ wrong with some extra edge, yah know.)
While I’ve never donned the Princess Kay of the Milky Way crown—an honor given by the MN Dairy Princess Program each year (And yes, winners’ heads are actually carved out of butter and put on display…), I’ve recently gained a bunch of nifty blog awards. And like the C.D.’s question, the warm fuzzy flurry raised surprise and suspicion: Hmm…Did my mother put you up to this??
Regardless, tremendous THANKS to Marc Schuster, Kourtney Heintz, Marcy Kennedy, Jessica O’Neal and NM for the Versatile Blogger honors, Debra Kristi for the Inspiring Blogger Award and Sharon K Owen for the Leibster. Y’all deserve these accolades and more. Wish I could carve you out of butter! (I mean that in the BEST way possible.)
*DRUM ROLL* I present these awards to…
1. Marla Martenson: Metaphysical Matchmaker
2. Pat O’Dea Rosen: Reading, Writing and Rambling: Comments and observations on books, movies, writing, travel and other things that strike our fancy
3. Violets and Cardamom
4. Ellis Shuman Writes: A Virtual Home for my Writing
5. You’ve Been Hooked: Observations from the Trenches
6. Ray, of The Journal Pulp
7. Lance, of My Blog Can Beat Up Your Blog
8. Tameri Etherton: A Cup of Tea and Sourcery
9. Little Miss Vix: The Journey of An Aspiring YA Author
10. Jennifer L. Oliver: World Beneath An Evening Star
1. Reflection of a Buddhist Monk
2. Natalie Hartford: Life Out Loud: Be yourself…Everyone else is taken.
3. Joe Bunting of The Write Practice: Practical Inspiration
4. Write On, Jana! Random insights on health, happiness, housekeeping and the pursuit of margin…
5. Holly Kammier: Could Have Been Hollywood
1. Moe and Moe’s LA Adventures
2. Unpublished Patti
3. Minerva, of Finding the Right Words
4. Sanjiv Bhattacharya: Something Good is Going to Happen
5. Cadbury Fife: Cadbury’s Detective Agency and other works of unimaginable genius
WINNERS! Please pass your award on to 15 others and share 7 “random facts” about yourself and the award logo on your blog. For more details, visit: Versatile Blogger Award or Leibster Blog Awards. Have fun!
7 Random Facts About Yours Truly:
1. I’m an ambi-vert—equal parts intro./extro.
2. I’m the average of my parents’ heights: 6′ 4″ and 5’3″.
3. I’m a sagi-corn or capri-carious—depending on which horoscope’s better.
4. I like kids, especially my coolio niece pack, but don’t intend to have any.
5. I do, however, parent an American bull dog named Zoe—a.k.a., my heart.
6. I dream of performing in a bestselling writers band like Rock Bottom Remainders. (If Mr. King happens upon this, I’m available!)
7. My first novel, IN HER SHADOW, is a psychological thriller that began as a memoir.
Gotta ask. Have you ever had your head carved out of butter? Other foods? What odd questions have strangers asked you?
Lance says
thank you. I’m honored to be on your radar.
I’m ambidextrous. Also, everyone asks if I’m Italian or South American. My looks are mostly influenced by cherokee indian on both sides and german.
August McLaughlin says
Do you play guitar?? How cool would it be to flip the guitar from strumming left-handed to right and vice versa?? Looks like you have several random facts set for your post…
Lance says
yes i do play, but i play righthanded…poorly
Louise Behiel says
how lucky you are to give so many awards and make so many people happy. I look forward to checking out these blogs.
August McLaughlin says
Sweet of you to say, Louise! I wish I had prizes to give every stopper-by…
Sheila Seabrook says
Congratulations on the blog awards, August!
I love those butterheads. LOL!
August McLaughlin says
Thanks, Sheila! I grew up aware of them and they still strike my funny bone.
Pat O'Dea Rosen says
I’m sending buttery love and big thanks your way August, but I’ve got one question: Did my mother put you up to this?.
August McLaughlin says
Ha! Our mothers must be friends… Even if she had, I’d have beat her to it.
Emma Burcart says
Wow. I wouldn’t have believed it without the picture. I’d rather have my head carved in chocolate, so I could eat it afterwards. Congrats on the blog awards and thanks for giving us some new blogs to check out.
August McLaughlin says
Chocolate! What a fabulous idea, Emma… From your mouth to head carvers’ ears.
Melinda says
So what happens to the butter heads once the fair or whatever is over? That’s a LOT of butter!
August McLaughlin says
We slather it on gigantic potatoes! LOL Kidding. Actually, the recipients keep their sculptures. Last year, I read a story about three sisters who’d all held the honor. Their parents’ freezer was full of butter heads. (MN life provides endless fodder for fiction… ;))
Marcy Kennedy says
“Wish I could carve you out of butter!” Hehehehe. I think that might possibly be the strangest compliments I’ve ever received, and I think it’s awesome
I don’t plan to have any biological kids either (though my husband and I are thinking about adopting). People tend to assume that when you don’t want to have kids, it means you don’t like them, but it’s not at all true. I adore my closest friends’ kids
August McLaughlin says
Ha… Glad you’re tickled, Marcy! And I bet you’re an awesome pal and role model for your friends’ tykes.
Debra Kristi says
Which writer was it that said if you wanted to take writing seriously, don’t have children? Well, I already f’d that one up. Ooh! Sorry. Potty mouth.
I think butter would be a lot easier to work with than ice or chocolate. There’s something to do with your butter of the month club! LOL
Congratulations on all the pretty shinnies! You are completely deserving. I will have to check out some of these blogs here that I have never heard of.
August McLaughlin says
Someone SAID that?? Man, I need a copy of that quote. *noting to self: Google it!* I certainly don’t believe having children is detrimental to our creativity or careers… (In some cases, it probably helps. Look at you, prima skilled at both!) On occasion, someone gives me the “but you have to have children!” speech. I appreciate the friendly ammo.
Did you say potty mouth? LOL! That and apologizing for almost cussing….You’re too funny, Debra!
Tameri Etherton says
I’m pretty sure Paula Dean needs to be carved out of butter. That would be her kind of heaven. Me? Not so much. Still, that’s pretty darn funny that the guy asked if you’d ever been carved out of butter. Funnier still that you knew what he meant! Congrats on the awards! All very well-deserved. Thank you so much for bestowing on my the Versatile Blogger Award! You’re so awesome, August. Seriously.
August McLaughlin says
What a brilliant idea! I should contact the Dairy Association pronto… I’m sure the MN State Fair would welcome the queen of all-things-butter.
Thanks for the kudos and you’re WELCOME for yours. Your blog has been one of my favorites from the get-go!
Alicia Street says
OMG! I never heard of butter carving!
Congrats on your awards. Nice revelations, too. I’m also one of those women who loves kids, but will never have any. We’re a strange breed, I hear.
August McLaughlin says
Always nice to connect with other women who don’t want/have kid-lets. I read that 25% of women choose not to have children nowadays…But it’s amazing how much criticism and pressure there can be—fortunately not in this circle. We’re so blessed to have so many options, right? I respect all of ’em.
Cadbury Fife (@CadburyFife) says
Where do I dispute some of the awards?
August McLaughlin says
Sorry, Cadbury… No disputing your award. You can dispute it on your own blog, however. If you do, happy to join the debate!
PS Hope I’m not butchering this, but perhaps I opted ‘das Beste bis zum Schluss aufheben.’
Karen McFarland says
What a great example of paying it forward with eagerness!
What fabulous bloggers August. Congratulations to you all!
Write On, Jana! says
You never cease to amaze (and amuse) me, August! I am truly honored to have been named on your list. You certainly deserve EVERY accolade you receive!
And since I did procreate (twice!) and one of my little blessings is allergic to dairy… I wonder if you can “carve” Earth Balance?? See what motherhood does to you?!
August McLaughlin says
Earth Balance sculpting… Love it! Hmm… Try placing the tub in the freezer for a bit first. If you give it a go, please share the details! (Your kids can blame me. ;))
Thanks for your sweet words, Jana! They mean so much.
The Hook says
Butter head ot not, August, you’re a real sweetie pie!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Victoria-writes says
Thank you August, I really appreciate it!!
Marc Schuster says
When you start the band, I’m in!
August McLaughlin says
Kara says
Love all the awards and now have a list of new blogs to check out! Carving your head out of butter, that sounds fun! Here in Texas at the fair we serve fried butter, but I haven’t seen the butter sculptures and I wouldn’t suggest we combine the two. That woudln’t be nice:)
lanceschaubert says
Margarine or I-Can’t-Believe-It’s-Not?
August McLaughlin says
Hmm… Y’all are too darn creative! Try freezing it first, as I suggested to Jana. Hard margarine at normal fridge temp should work. (I love that I’m giving advice on something I’ve never attempted the proper way, BTW… In other words, proceed with caution!)
mj monaghan says
August, great post. I want my little dog, Duke’s likeness carved in butta!
BTW … Here’s another award for your mantle:
Congratulations! It’s official – The Academy, okay, mj monaghan, has recognized your wonderful blog with the Versatile Blogger Award!
Here’s the envelope with more details: http://wp.me/p1JIsL-cQ!
August McLaughlin says
I’m so touched, MJ! Wish I could chisel a Duke sculpture for ya… How bout this. If I ever l learn to carve anything out of anything, Duke will top my list.
H. Conrad Miller says
What an interesting thing to have done as recognition of someone. A butter-head. Got to love the imagination of that. And the skill. It looks really good.
Thank you for posting all of these links in one spot. I look forward to looking at them and finding more blogs that are good. And congradulations on being nominated for so many yourself.
August McLaughlin says
It’s definitely a few steps outside normal. Such things make life interesting, though, right?? Hope you find the links helpful!
Ingrid Schaffenburg says
Hilarious! I’m a former LA actress turned writer myself Thank you for the awesome list of blogs!
August McLaughlin says
Aw… It’s a super transition, right?? We’ll have to swap stories sometime. Enjoy the links!
Ingrid Schaffenburg says
I couldn’t be happier Would love to swap stories sometime!
Sorry for the slow response… I’m still getting used to the whole social media thing
Kourtney Heintz says
Thanks August! Butter is my second favorite food after chocolate. I would love love love a carving of my head in butter, but I’d feel guilty for biting my own head off. I’d still do it though.
Angela Orlowski-Peart says
Congratulations to all the winners! This seems to be a season for the blog awards (I just hosted one, Fabio and his wana1011 class did too, plus Debra Kristi (Krager) as well!!!). So much fun.
I love your random facts, especially number 7
Stacy S. Jensen (@StacySJensen) says
Congrats on all the awards and award love. No butter carvings that I’m aware of, you never know with the Internet. I love No. 7 too. Very interesting. I have a twin sister, so I’ve heard a lot of weird questions.
gingerfightback says
Butter sculpture – Brilliant!
Ellis Shuman says
Thanks for the recognition August!
jonesingafter40 says
Can’t say that I’ve ever had my head carved out of butter. Being from the South I’m pretty sure that any butter sculptor around here would be endlessly frustrated by passers-by slicing off chunks of his work to spread on biscuits and such. Thank you so much for visiting me today! Glad to have found you!