If the winter season or holiday stress has you down or depressed, you’re far from alone. Listen as August interviews Jema, a traveler, writer and photographer, about her journey with depression. Learn what prompted her to seek help, how she’s learned to thrive and more. Then August chats with Dr. Megan Fleming about the holidays and depression. Symptoms can be managed, and loved ones can really help!
To listen on iTunes, click here: Girl Boner® Radio, Episode 99
Or stream the episode via Stitcher Radio here:
Wonderfully timely and practical broadcast on depression. Having known depression, I understand how and why the holidays can be a depression trigger. This broadcast is an in-depth discussion of how to help yourself or others with depression at any time of year.
Jema speaks openly about what it is to be a mom with depression, a mom who lives in an RV with her children and husband. Her honesty in discussing postpartum depression is truly a gift of hope for all moms as well anyone who knows the invisibility of depression.
Dr. Megan offers thoughtful and realistic tips on keeping yourself on an even keel during the holidays. In particular, listen for Dr. Megan’s list. It’s brilliant!
As always, August et al, a fine and engaging show.