Dance like nobody’s watching. I’m not sure who said this originally, but I love the message: Let go. Act crazy if you want to! Meanwhile, stop caring what other people think. Applied to our dreams and passions, the notion is pure magic. How about dreaming like nobody’s judging?
This week a dream I scarcely realized I had came into fruition, making me more grateful than ever for dreaming out loud. After appearing on Dr. Lisa Masterson’s radio show, Health in Heals, her reps phoned me, asking if I’d like to host a show of my own. Girl Boner Radio will kick off January 6th! I’m not sure I could be more excited. When I arrived at the recording studio for my first production meeting on Monday, I nearly cried. The place was decked out in sparkly decor as though my giddiness had materialized, and a grateful feeling of “You’re on the right track. Keep going,” struck me. The message on the wall, “…planet Earth is listening,” seemed to affirm it. When we share dreams, people listen. We never know where that may lead.
I thought back to just over a year ago when I launched my Girl Boner blog series. I wasn’t sure what would happen once I hit publish, but I knew something would. Something had to because my heart, brain and instincts were screaming at me to speak up, and when we act on our dreams, groovy things happen. If I’d kept my Girl Boner dreams bottled up (pun scrumptiousness!), they’d have stayed dormant, likely causing stress and regret. More importantly, if all of you fabulous readers hadn’t been receptive to my efforts, I’d likely have no radio show or other fun prospects to speak of. Thank you with all of my GB-loving heart. ♥
Since I’ve been swimming around in dream-think lately, a virtual gush-pile of WHOOPEE!, I thought I’d share facts I think we can all stand to be reminded of. After you take a glimpse, I hope you’ll share your own thoughts on dreams.
10 Facts About Dreams
1. They’re practical. For many folks, ‘dreamer’ conjures up images of whimsical fairy tales and spacey hippies with their eyes fixed toward the clouds while the “real world” tromps on. In reality, most dreams are goals that set our hearts aglow, make us stronger contributing members of society when we pursue them and make practical sense if we stop and think about it. (The question should always be, “Why not?”)
2. They come true if we let them. And by let them, I mean not stand in their way. It’s easy to talk ourselves out of seemingly lofty goals. If we don’t try, there’s no chance of failure. But that’s just sad. We all deserve better.
3. They vanish if we ignore them. Our dreams deserve the light of day and the chance to come true. If we don’t nurture our aspirations, they’re likely to shrivel up like plants I try to take care of. I nearly think of mine as offspring. I want what’s best for them and will do anything in my power to ensure their thriving.
4. They invite naysayers. We’ve all had others criticize our dreams. Such criticism often derives from insecurity, jealousy, misunderstanding or misguided concern for our wellbeing. (“But how will you pay the bills?” “What will people think of you?” “That sounds so hard!”) The very uniqueness that makes our dreams wondrous frequently prevents others from understanding; if ___ was common, would you strive for it? No, because dreams are extraordinary. We should use naysayers’ words fuel to work harder.
5. They invite collaboration. Dreams are team ventures, whether we conjure and manage them on our own or not. That’s one reason we need to open our hearts and mouths and let them roam free! When we dream out loud, others not only hear them but often step up to play a role.
6. They’re powerful! I agree with what Eleanor Roosevelt said, that “future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” When our dreams are alive and well, our worlds illuminate—a beautiful thing, because giddiness and gumption make for awesome fuel and brighten up others’ lives as well.
7. They are gifts to ourselves and others. If we squelch our desires, we limit joy for ourselves and others. Another favorite quote of mine derives from my favorite philosopher, Oprah: “There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.” So true, right? Withholding our dreams, on the other hand, arguably steals those gifts before they’re given.
8. They aren’t monetarily measurable. Money and a lack thereof seems to stand in the way of many people’s dream pursuits. While putting food on the table is vital, I think it’s important to remember that much of the most important work ever done doesn’t draw in money from the get-go. “Getting rich” isn’t an authentic dream, in my opinion. If we pursue our passions, riches of many kinds follow. If we fixate on money, we’re likely to turn into unhappy curmudgeons. (Think Scrooge.)
9. They can surface and evolve anytime. Dreams shouldn’t limited to our youth or postponed for impractical reasons. When we follow our instincts and passions, new dreams can flourish at any time; we don’t even have to know where we’re specifically headed, other than in the proper direction. If we fall down, we can stand back up and keep going. Many bumps and hiatuses evolve into turning points.
10. They’re celebration worthy! Simply having a dream is a gift—don’t you think? I recall a time when I had little sense of purpose. That apathy was worse than deep depression. If we’re blessed with ambition and a cause, we best cherish it. That means celebrating all along the way. Don’t wait to celebrate future accomplishments until you reach them; party now and perpetually.
What dreams are you working toward? Have any dreams or outcomes surprised you lately? Any points to add to my list? I always welcome your wonderful thoughts.
Satin Sheet Diva says
Reblogged this on Satin Sheet Diva's Blog and commented:
The Satin Sheet Diva Experience is definitely a dream I’ve had on and off for the past three years. Here’s to making dreams come true!
August McLaughlin says
Cheers! Keep writing and dreaming out loud. The world needs more of such voices.
Satin Sheet Diva says
Thank you and congrats on the show! Will it be streaming? Can’t wait to tune in.
Jami Gold says
Congratulations, August! I’m so happy for you! You’ll be great at it, I’m sure. *hugs*
August McLaughlin says
Thanks so much, Jami! Hugs back.
Mike Sirota says
Forrest Gump said, “Dream–but don’t quit your day job.” I agree. But the point is, you CAN do both.
August McLaughlin says
You sure can! When other work supports our dreams without hindering them, it’s a wonderful thing.
KristinaLudwig says
Great blog post, August. Your 10 facts about chasing dreams are so inspirational!
Congrats on landing your own radio show! I think a healthy dose of #10 is in order…
August McLaughlin says
Thanks, Kristina! Lucky for us, our work often feels party-ish, right?? Even so, I think champagne may be calling…
Amy Shojai, CABC (@amyshojai) says
LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I’ve always said you can NEVER catch that brass ring if you don’t dream it first.
August McLaughlin says
Very well said, Amy! Thanks so much for the sparkly support.
sarafoster456366383S says
I’m one of those lurking readers of yours. Never comment. Always read and enjoy. Just wanted to say that I’ve loved the Girl Boner series and am so happy for you that you’ve been offered this radio show. Many, many congratulations!
August McLaughlin says
Thank you, Sara! I’m so touched that you enjoy the series and deeply appreciate the support.
Diana Beebe says
August, this is a great list! Congratulations! I wish you all the best in this new adventure. You are so inspiring!
August McLaughlin says
Thanks so much, Diana!
K.B. Owen says
Congrats, August! So happy for you!
Sometimes it’s scary to act on your dreams. This literally JUST happened to me. The sight of my 2nd book popping up on Amazon when I loaded it today(!) made me want to crawl under the covers instead of dance around the room. Weird, huh? I couldn’t figure it out. Then I realized…I was afraid (of being rejected or ignored or disappointing readers…the list is endless).
But you know what? Your post is inspiring me to dance around the room instead.
Enjoy your new career, hon!
August McLaughlin says
Wow, Kathy. CONGRATS! You’re going to ROCK it with #2, even more so than your first. I don’t find your impulse to hide weird at all… So happy to hear that you’re dancing now!
Every new step we take is a new beginning and growth at the same time; that’s the beauty of evolving. Such wonderful journeys we’re on, right? It’s a thrill to learn about yours. Thanks for the cheers!
Karen McFarland says
“a virtual gush-pile of WHOOPEE!” Whoopee is right! Congratulations August! You’ve worked really hard for this. You are a very giving person and it’s nice to see great things coming your way. Party, party! Oh, by the way, I love your office! Way cool!
August McLaughlin says
Aw. Thanks so much, Karen! You know we’ll be celebrating in person one of these days — your dreams and successes as well.
Sherman P Bastarache says
Congratulations on the radio show! I loved this post as it points out real life truths
August McLaughlin says
Thanks, Sherman! Glad you see the practicality of dreams and dreaming.
Emma says
That is amazing. Well done you!
August McLaughlin says
Thanks bunches, Emma!
Catherine Johnson says
You will be awesome on radio, you’ll blossom! Love your take on dreams, you make them sound like mini pioneers yay!
August McLaughlin says
Mini pioneers — I love that! Thanks for the kudos, Catherine! I’m excited for the whole process.
Raani York says
This is so amazing, August! I’m happy for you! And good Luck with you and Girl Boner Radio! You and your dreams are such an ideal for us and encouraging that some of our dreams could come true as well! Thanks for sharing this list!
August McLaughlin says
I’m so touched that you’ve found inspiration here, Raani. Thanks for the awesome support!
Tuan Ho says
Dreams by Van Halen used to be my ringtone for a couple of years. My dream is to be a bestselling author. With the royalties, I’ll pay off my parents’ mortgage and buy a jetpack. That’s all I really dream of.
August McLaughlin says
Very sweet of you to set helping your parents as a goal, Tuan. Best of luck!
Matthew Wright says
Congrats on the show – awesome news, and all the very best for every success. Who knows where things will lead from here? This could be the first step on a great journey – unknown and unfolding before you. Good stuff. Proof that with hard work, focus, faith in yourself and determination, dreams are made (they don’t ‘happen’ – as you point out, they’re ‘made’). Again – congratulations!
August McLaughlin says
Thanks so much, Matthew! It’s pretty exciting when we start plowing toward a dream; any number of wonderful opportunities can crop up — as I’m guessing you well know.
KM Huber says
You are such an inspiration for me and have been since I first read your does-dirt-have-calories-story. Never had a doubt that your Girl Boner series would be a success for your open heart is your guide. I could not be happier for you, August. Looking forward to listening to your show. Thanks for helping me in so many ways on so many days. What a gift you are!
August McLaughlin says
Your beautiful words put a tear in my eye. Thank you for being you, Karen! Your faith and encouragement mean more than I can say.
Kourtney Heintz says
Congrats August! As someone who has learned so much from you, I couldn’t be happier! You earned this dream becoming a reality through your courage, perseverance, and hard work. I’d agree with all your points here. Dreams are a great way to visualize what we want and see different ways to achieving it.
Kitt Crescendo says
I’m so thrilled for you, August! It couldn’t happen to a nicer person. You deserve all the success in the world. As for me…I’ve got a couple of dreams about to come to fruition. I’ve been battling my nerves as I get closer to the finish line. It’s definitely my signal that the end is in sight.
Main Street Musings Blog says
Congrats August! That’s thrilling news! There’s a whole new world out there waiting for you! Knock em’ dead!
Lindsey (Currie) Dubois says
I’m a constant “dreamer”…. And really, what I’ve found is it is requires strength…. Dreaming is NOT for the faint of heart….
Lindsey (Currie) Dubois says
PS- Congrats!