There is little as butterfly-sy and beautiful as a book release—especially when the subject matter practically is your heart. Or so I’m learning!
In the coming weeks, my first non-fiction book, Embraceable: Empowering Facts and True Stories About Women’s Sexuality, will be available. The e-book format will release first, followed by the paperback. To say I’m stoked is a ginormous understatement. (Hey, sometimes oxymorons work. ;))
I’m thrilled to share with you all the front cover, created by gifted artist and illustrator, Emily Ford:
Here’s how the back cover will read:
A provocative blend of memoir, anthology and inspiration, Embraceable is a celebration of women’s sexual empowerment. Learn how August McLaughlin, creator and host of Girl Boner®, found her way out of the sexual repression to which too many girls and women are prone. She then weaves research and inspiring facts around stories contributed by women who’ve cultivated sexual empowerment in their own lives—on topics ranging from asexuality, kink and burlesque dancing to religion, “slut”-shaming and surviving sexual assault. Learn what girls do (and don’t) learn in sex ed, the truth behind widespread damaging messages, the role body image plays in embracing our sexual selves and more.
Includes a foreword by Susan Harper, PhD and stories by:
Velda Brotherton Trish Causey Kitt Crescendo Elle the Author
Mona Darling Jean Franzblau Lana Fox Erica Garza Lea Grover
Lauren Jankowski M Nicole LaBonde Emily Linden Jann Robbins
Kendra Tanner Rachel Thompson Dani Longman Kelly Wilson
Each of these women will be featured on Girl Boner® Radio over the coming months. Some you’ll recognize from earlier episodes. As I mentioned in my last post, they are all powerful examples of bravery in motion. I can’t wait to share their voices and stories!
Opportunity for bloggers:
Girl Boner® is all about conversation, and so is this book! If you’d like to participate in my Embraceable blog tour, please email me here—or directly, if we’re already email connected—sharing a link to your blog. Participating bloggers will send me 5 – 8 questions related to the book (nothing’s off limits!), for a fun chat-style Q&A post to publish on their blog during a designated week starting in January. As a thanks, you’ll receive a Kindle copy of the book upon release. I’ll also promote your post on social media and my blog. I have limited available slots, so please contact me soon, if you’re interested!
You really are, you know—EMBRACEABLE. ♥
I am beyond honored to share a portion of such an important book with such strong, empowered women. Thanks for all you do and for being you, August. your big, beautiful heart.
I couldn’t be more thrilled to have you onboard, Kitt. Thanks for your voice!
I love the cover!! So excited for you, August! I know how much this book means to you, and how hard you’ve worked to bring all this knowledge and empowering information to the world. Thank you for sharing this with us!!
Thanks so much, Jenn! Your support continues to be invaluable. *HUGS*
Great cover! I’m so excited for you!!! Can’t wait to get my own copy of the book.
Thanks so much, Kassandra!
Reblogged this on Velda Brotherton and commented:
If you’ve read August and are a fan, don’t miss this book. She rocks.
Thanks for the support, Velda! So grateful to have your awesome voice in this book.
What a great cover, August. And I am of course curious to read your book!! I won’t miss this!! You rock, August!!
Cheers, AJ. You’re the best!
Congratulations, August! I love the cover and can’t wait to read the book. Nobody could do this book better than you!
Reblogged this on Reading, Drinking and Dancing with a Chaser of Snark and commented:
August is one of my favorite bloggers and her new book looks to be insightful, powerful and revealing. Add it to your 1-click list!
We are so excited that you’re coming out with this book, August. Mathair and I read your blog religiously and In Her Shadow is one of my favorite reads so we’re definitely gonna be the first to grab a copy. I count you as a dear friend and my sexual Buddha. (That probably sounds super weird LOL but there isn’t a topic you’ve covered that I haven’t learned something new from.) We’re so proud of you and can’t wait to get our copy.
Great cover – and congrats on the book! All best wishes for every success with it.
Congrats! Let me know what I can do to help you.
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Rayne Parvis
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HUGE CONGRATULATIONS,AUGUST! Another momentous step in this amazing journey of yours. We’re all eagerly waiting to read it!
Thanks so much, Patricia!
Great cover August! Looking forward to getting a copy!
Thanks, Kourtney!!