Technology makes navigating the dating world easier in some ways and more challenging in others. In this episode of Girl Boner® Radio, August interviews news producer and advice columnist Ashley Papa. Learn ways to increase your odds of online dating success, red flags to look out for in the first few dates, how an intentional break from sex can help once you’re in a relationship and more. You’ll also hear Dr. Megan Fleming‘s response to a listener’s email on stigmas around masturbation.
Listen via iTunes or Stitcher Radio, or stream it below!
For more from Ashley, check out her recent articles:
6 Sexy Workouts That Will Boost Your Sex Appeal via StyleCaster
6 Signs Your New Love Interest Will Play You or Ghost You via Fox News Magazine
Can Purposely Abstaining From Sex Every Now and Then be Good for Your Relationship? via Zoosk
To learn a bit about August’s soon-to-release book, read her latest blog post: Bravery for Breakfast: The “Small” Moments that Change Our Lives.
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Thanks for listening! Have a beautiful, Girl Boner-embracing week.
I have always thought there was an art to dating. If that’s true, perhaps technology has added yet another dimension. Regardless, Ashley Papa provides a fascinating look at today’s dating trends. This is a broadcast for any generation looking to date successfully and safely.
Also, Dr. Megan thoughtfully and sensitively answers a reader’s question on masturbation. It certainly was not the question I was expecting and as often happens, Dr. Megan gave me another perspective to consider.
Great broadcast, everyone!