Americans may be watching more cooking shows than ever before, but as a culture, we’re cooking less. I personally relate to the “cooking less” part—something I’ve been working on changing. From saving money and boosted wellness to experiencing more gratitude around food and eating, the perks of DIY meals can be pretty spectacular.
Thanks to this week’s Girl Boner Radio guest, Victoria Moran, my kitchen is already feeling a bit more vibrant and nourishing than sparse. (Seriously, I rushed off to buy mangos right after. ;)) It’s difficult not to feel inspired by Victoria. If you’re familiar with her work, you know exactly what I mean.
Victoria, who’s authored 13 books, appeared twice on Oprah and hosts the award-wining Main Street Vegan, shared thoughts on food preparation as a sensory and even sensual experience.
“Think about something like string beans,” she said. “You can buy them frozen and they’re just the same as fresh as far as nutrients and calories and all of that. But if you buy the fresh ones, you have to tear off the ends. This is a sensory act and it’s kind of a sensuous act, because you’re interacting with nature. If this is something that you and your partner are doing together, you tend to kind of joke. It just brings out the best in people.”
We also explored healing from disordered eating with an attitude of “more” not “less,” and creating a lifestyle that aligns with your values and doesn’t feel restrictive—something we’ve both learned through experience.
Can I get some amens??? This idea applies to to many life areas, in my opinion. Cultivating alignment in our lives comes easier when we approach it from the inside out and find pleasurable, self-nourishing ways to go about it.
For much more, stream our chat on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio or below! The episode also features:
- Victoria’s journey to going fully plant-based and becoming an ethical vegan
- A particularly romantic food experience she’s had
- Dr. Megan Fleming‘s thoughts for a listener whose marriage is struggling due to different political beliefs (with takeaways that an apply to different lifestyle ethics, too!)
- Practical and time-saving cooking and food preparation tips
- A fun practice involving green juice
- Highlights from Victoria’s latest book, coauthored by JL Fields, The Main Street Vegan Academy Cookbook (I can’t wait to try the Trail Mix Truffles!)
Carrie Rubin says
I’ve never really thought of cooking and romance going together, probably because I’m the only one who cooks in my house and it’s more a chore than a delight. Hmm, maybe I’ll have to see if my husband wants to make homemade pizzas with me. That might get him in the kitchen! (But I’m in it less for the romance and more for the help. )
jilly says
It is fantastic to hear other people’s experiences with a lifestyle situation that is so honest and real.
ann says
Thank you so much! My boyfriend definitely needed to read this.