“Times. . . They are a changing!” But not always as quickly as we’d like.
Bobbie D. didn’t mention that part.
If you’ve been following my work, you may have noticed that I’ve recently been adding the phrase “limited edition” before “cover” when speaking about my Girl Boner book. The term sounds special, right? I meant for it to be, and it’s accurate. But the shift started out with a touch of heartache and disappointment.
Let me explain.
First, I adore the LE cover. To me, the image looks sensual and artistic. Bold, yet classy. Mighty strong and mighty femme. So very, very Girl Boner.But last month, I learned that multiple gatekeepers, individuals who determine whether or not the book is sold by various outlets, weren’t terribly hip on it.
I don’t know the precise reasons, but I have an informed guess. Sexuality books, especially those featuring women, tend to be less overt than The Divine LE. You might see hands clutching, lips smooching, a banana or a papaya. But a woman’s face appearing orgasmic? I’m not sure that as a society we’re there yet.

(If you’re thinking: “But look around! I see way more explicit stuff EVERYWHERE!,” I hear you. That’s another different topic with lots of layers, which you can read more about in the book. ;))
No matter how much I or anyone else loves a particular cover, it’s not worth it if it keeps some people from selling or purchasing it. Like it or not, we humans really do tend to judge books by their covers.
One of many things my Girl Boner journey has taught me is this:
We have to work with the culture we hope to enhance, not against it, if we wish to cultivate lasting change. We can push the envelope, but if we try to turn the envelope into a glow-in-the-dark, dancing chicken—okay, maybe that’s extreme, but you get the picture. At least, this is the approach that works for me.
Because of this, I accepted the notion of a cover change pretty quickly. (I wouldn’t have had final say regardless, but my heart came around to it.) After some reflection and back and forth with my publisher—who I’m so grateful welcomed my thoughts—and between Amberjack and the talented artist, a few drafts later, I’m thrilled to say that I love the new cover, too. (I’ll reveal that soon!)
Some happy news:
If you, too, love the original cover pictured above, you still can still get one!
You guessed it: for a limited time only. I have samplers to give away, which feature the LE cover as well as five, pre-finalized chapters from the book. (In other words, they’re super-duper limited edition. ;)) Contact me to learn more.
Thanks so much for being part of this journey. If you, too, are facing a plot twist in your personal life or career, no matter the size, I’m sending you my best vibes and heaps of solidarity. If you stay true to yourself and maintain an open heart and mind, things might just work out better than you’ve imagined.
This post derived from my latest newsletter update, where I offer exclusive content and goodies plus behind-the-scenes stuff I often don’t share elsewhere. For updates like this one (about once a month), sign up for my list here!
Just got my copy!
Yay – I hope you enjoy it!