“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” — Wayne W. Dyer
Wow. I debuted my radio show! It was a wonderfully surreal experience, the kind that feels natural and dream-like at the same time. I hope you’ll all check it out and consider subscribing via iTunes once it’s available—within the next few days. In the meantime, you’re welcome to listen to the premiere episode here: Girl Boner Radio Ep. 1: Girl Boner Beginnings. I’d love to hear what you think!
The whole experience has had me pondering the power of intention. Back in October, a publicist I was considering working with asked about my specific goals for Girl Boner. (“Besides change the world?” I asked. Yes…) As a pantser in life and writing, I tend not to make lists—but she’d asked, so I jotted down some items that had been on my mind. I told her I wished to appear on 3 to 5 major radio shows within the coming year. I also jotted down the names of experts and celebrities I hoped to connect with regarding Girl Boner. One of those names was Dr. Lisa Masterson—aka, Dr. Lisa—who I’d tried contacting through The Doctors TV show, without luck.
Within two weeks of making that list, I was contacted for 3 awesome radio show appearances. Woah, right? But it gets better.
Around the same time, I was assigned an article on walking shoes—not the most thrilling topic, but I was grateful for the opportunity. I posted an interview query online, and who replied? None other than Dr. Lisa. The physician’s shoe line TheraFit seemed perfect for my article, so we arranged an interview.
As much as I would’ve loved to have blabbed to Dr. Lisa about Girl Boner then, I aimed for tact and professionalism. I figured communicating well and writing a solid article would bode better, and hoped more would evolve at some point. In very little time, it did.
After the article appeared, Dr. Lisa invited me to appear on her radio and podcast series, Health in Heels. Not only did I have a BLAST chatting with the illustrious doctor at her affiliate recording studio, but the following day her production team offered me my own show. That makes my own show the fifth of the five I’d aspired for.
Remarkable things happen when we set our sights on that which we feel passionate about. All it takes, I’ve learned, is a bit of openness, self-honesty and dreaming with intent.
I’m sure you all have related stories , which I’d love to hear! As for me, I could use a sudsy bubble bath and a hot fudge sundae, preferably in tandem… Wishing you all endless dreams come true. Thanks so much for sharing in my journey! ♥
So tell me! When has sharing your dreams out loud drew them into fruition? What happy surprises have derived from your willingness to not only work hard, but dream and stay open to possibilities? I seriously love hearing from you.
Kitt Crescendo says
Girl, you just gave me goose bumps! I am so proud of you and excited for you. Can’t wait to listen to your show! I know it will be as awesome as you are.
My list? In the last year and a half it was…create a social media presence for myself, start a blog and write regularly, join a writers group whose goal is support and development (I’d heard nightmares about groups that really got into tearing each other down in the name of “constructive criticism), and write/publish my first book. It was strange because at the time, with the exception of a couple of them, I considered them more along the lines of dreams to pipe dreams. So far I’ve actually managed to do them all and am upping the ante for myself. I’ve learned it’s not always about being fearless so much as controlling and harnessing that fear to work for you.
August McLaughlin says
Thanks so much, Kitt! I came home buzzed and brain crazy-whirling and thought, better draw up a post anyway. Your support is gold.
You’re sure hit those goals with gusto, woman! Your blog and writing and writing are so authentic and approachable. I love what you said about harnessing fear—AMEN! Keep rocking it, as I know you will.
Satin Sheet Diva says
Well, let’s see…I’ve not had anything that happened as quickly or spectacularly as you’ve listed, but I have had some pretty big dreams come true: sail the Greek Isles (2011), publish a book (2008), move to Atlanta (2005), make over 45K a year (2010).
As a testament to my “never give up” attitude, a little background on those; the number of years I’d had that dream before it came to fruition – sail the Greek Isles (10 yrs); publish a book (30+ yrs, took one year of concentrated effort to pull it off once I got serious); move to Atlanta (on and off for 13 years, took six months once I focused on doing it); make over 45K/year (30+ years).
What’s on tap now are: sell four books a day during the month of February (http://satinsheetdiva.wordpress.com/2014/01/11/reminder-no-buts-no-bullshit/); reduce my debt load by 50%; pitch my television series to OWN and Tyler Perry.
:-). Just listing them gives me chills, lol. Congrats again on the radio show, can’t wait to give it a listen!
August McLaughlin says
Good for you! I can’t wait to check out your books. I’ll be making a purchase for sure! We’re sisters in our OWN network dreams. Here’s hoping, right?
LOL IKWYM! Stating and sharing goals has a crazy way of drawing them in. Ready, set… Best of luck! Thanks for the wonderful support.
Satin Sheet Diva says
Mike Sirota says
A radio show, wow! Things just keep getting better. I’m proud of you, GOTB.
August McLaughlin says
Thank you! I’m definitely savoring every step. Hope all’s going wonderfully for you, too!
Amy Shojai says
So pleased for you! For it to happen, you gotta dream it first. Here’s to more dreams coming true!
August McLaughlin says
Thanks, Amy! Huge cheers to dreaming and dreamers/doers like you.
Diana Beebe says
What a beautiful unfolding of cherished ideas into reality! I’m so happy for you!
August McLaughlin says
Thanks, Diana! *hugs*
Emma says
Congrats, August. You are a brave woman, and fortune favours the brave.
August McLaughlin says
What a beautiful statement, Emma. I’m keeping it! Thanks so much.
Raani York says
I did listen to the show – and I enjoyed it so much!! It was GREAT!!
You’re awesome, August. Congratulations!!
Sending you hugs! I’m so proud of you!
August McLaughlin says
Thanks for listening and for all your cheers, Raani! I value both so much.
Patricia Sands says
August, you were born for this. Your voice is perfect for the show ~ you sound so calm, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and fun! I predict a major hit here!
August McLaughlin says
I can’t tell you what you support and encouragement mean, Patricia. Thanks so much!
susielindau says
Congrats to you August!
August McLaughlin says
Thanks so much, Susie!
Gloria Richard Author says
August, I am amazed and inspired by your story, and the success that (rightfully) increases exponentially.
Like Kitt, I can’t wait to listen to your premier show. However, I want to do it when I’m alone and able to listen without interruption.
My success stories? Aside from hitting my Golden Heart Goal…
The past year has been a year of discovery — discovering myself and my potential in both the GB and the Power of Expectation sense. I wasn’t unhappy before. I simply felt like a rudderless boat. I chased adventures (aka shiny baubles) with no thought about what they would mean in the long term.
Now? Now I have a plan. It’s to continue to chase adventures (aka shiny baubles), but stop at the end of each day to reflect on them. I never ever want to lose my spontaneity.
For my writing? I’m determined to sell the concept of sex education in romance novels. I’ve structured my first novel to do that with humor and some unconventional steam scenes. The get real and learn something type of adventure where a reader, living vicariously through the heroine, has a useful take-away on her own body, needs, and how to be satisfied.
You’re my GB hero!
August McLaughlin says
You rock so hard, Gloria! (Fabulous pun. :)) Girl Boner-land would not be the same without you. I’m so proud of, excited for and inspired by you. I can’t wait to bear witness as your even grander rewards evolve! ❤️
Jess Witkins says
I am sooo excited to hear your podcast! I’m at a coffee shop now and won’t blast it for everyone to hear…although maybe they’d be into it ;)….but I will definitely listen in. I think this is so cool and I’m so proud of you. I’m slowly convincing people at work that we need to revamp our website and start blogging and I’ve already told everyone about your GirlBoner series and how you’d be a phenomenal guest blogger. Yep, I’m a total fan geek singing your praises girl!
Matthew Wright says
Congrats on the radio debut! It’s the start of a journey – and who knows where that path will lead? Good luck for the ongoing show – you’ll have a blast! Radio is such an intimate and powerful medium – I firmly believe that, because people often listen to it while doing something else, the messages have more impact because meanings sidle in through the hearing while the visual part of the conscious mind is doing something else.
Inion N. Mathair says
You’re totally right, August. Dreams are nothing without a healthy dose of elbow grease and a whole lot of passion. Mathair and I try to keep that mindset at all times, especially when the chips aren’t falling in our favor. We’re so proud of you, and excited to let all of our friends know about your show and how brilliant it is. BTW, we just finished In Her Shadow and absolutely loved it!!!! Hope there’s another in the works, we’d be first in line to read. We’re going to post our review on Amazon.com today. Much love and support!
Kristy K. James says
Way to go, August! I’ll listen to the show after commenting here, but I just had to say good for you! What dreams have I told to people? None that I can think of. It took about a year before I even felt comfortable talking about my published books to friends and family.
Scott L Vannatter says
August McLaughlin says
Aw. Thanks, Scott! Hope you enjoy it.