Wowzers! Girl Boner Radio officially kicks off next Monday, January 13th! I wish I could accurately express my excitement. Let’s just say my soul has a Girl Boner of the insatiable variety.
Actually, both! I was happy to see Dr. Lisa when I appeared on her show in November, but my latest GB excitement, as many of you know, is my podcast series/radio show that derived from that experience.
While I’m fortunate to have a super groovy production team, the show’s content is largely up to me. Guess what that means? It’s also up to you.
This show wouldn’t have come about without the support and loyalty of you fabulous readers, and I’d LOVE to involve you in the program as much as possible. For starters, here’s how you can make a cameo appearance in my very first episode!
Make a Cameo Apperance on Girl Boner Radio’s Premiere Episode!
Record a short audio clip (1 minute or less) of you answering one of these questions:
What is a Girl Boner?
What do you remember about your earliest sex education?
Be as serious or goofy as you wish! If chosen to air, your identity won’t be revealed unless you somehow work your name into the clip. Email me the clip (august at augustmclaughlin dot com) preferably as an Mp3, by this Friday, January 10th with Girl Boner in the subject line so I don’t miss it. I’ll consider clips as they appear until I have enough, so the sooner you record and send, the better!
Smart phones make recording audio easy, but feel free to use a fancier method if you have the chops! The clips need not be perfect, but your words should be clear. If you’d rather type and email or tweet me your answers (@AugstMcLaughlin), feel free. I may read a few responses on the air as well. Keep in mind that by submitting a clip, you’re agreeing to allow its on-air use.
Where can you listen?
The best way to hear the show will be via iTunes, where you’ll be able to download and subscribe to the podcasts for free. I’ll share links here and throughout social media as I have them starting next week. Huge thanks to all of you who’ve inquired! I so appreciate your interest and support. ♥
Think you’ll participate by submitting a clip? What other topics would you like to see featured on Girl Boner Radio? As always, I welcome your thoughts. ♥
To say I’m happy for you would be a mild understatement. I am taking a page out of Susie’s book and dancing around my office for you! As for participating, I haven’t yet decided if I will simply because my schedule seems to be getting busier, but I’ll definitely tune in!
Thanks so much, Kitt! Happy dances can’t be beat, especially from lovely souls like you. Good luck with all of that busy-ness!
So, SO excited for you, August. I can see from your GB facebook page that your efforts are paying off. You may record me on Thursday. It should be epic.
Thanks so much, Jenny! And what a great idea for Thursday. Don’t worry, I’ll warn you before I hit record. Can’t wait to see you!
I’ll send you an email/message to get our plan on. As long as I get to see you and Zoe, I’m aces.
Would love to go on – air and discuss our 5k non – nude, adult themed obstacle course and mud run benefiting Check it out at:
Very intriguing! Definitely keep me posted. Happy to pass the link on to my team.
August, all the WANAs are SO proud of you and you know you already have a large, loyal audience waiting to hear you on air! *joining Kitt in the happy dance*
Aw. Thanks, Patricia! I couldn’t ask for better cheerleaders/dancers.
I can’t wait to listen to your podcasts August! So very cool! I’m so proud of you. *big hugs*
Thanks so much, Jess! Huge hugs back.
I’m so excited for you August!!
I’m REALLY sorry I’m so late with sending in something… But with me being away and with the huge event we had at work I had been unable to read this post any earlier.
If there’s something else or some other time you need support, let me know – I’ll be there!!
Good Luck for Monday – but I doubt it will be necessary! You’re going to be AMAZING!!!
Holy crow, August! We’ve been taking a break from networking over the holidays and I come back and you’re taking over the world. LOL. You’ll have loyal listeners in Inion N. Mathair as we will definitely be subscribing to the podcast. So excited for you! As for what we’d like to see… we love the posts on your blog about dreams and their meanings, also love your naughty gift suggestions for holidays and special occasions. Good luck on Monday, wishing you the best and all the success in the world… though it’s not needed due to the fact that you are brilliant!