Have you ever had a sexual experience that had a dramatic impact on your life? I love exploring such experiences on Girl Boner Radio, with so many different people, and it has been a while since I’ve shared one of my own.
So today, you’ll hear an excerpt from my Girl Boner book. It’s called “The Orgasm that Changed my Life,” from Chapter One. And, as you’ll hear, the experience played a pivotal role, not only in my personal life, but in my decision to pursue all-things-Girl Boner.
I admit, sharing the story feels vulnerable, largely because I wrote the original draft close to 10 years ago. It feels like going back in time, as a writer and, of course, sexually. Still, I’m sharing it – without psyching myself out by combing over it beforehand – because I want to honor where I was at the time. I tried to stay mostly on script. ;)
After the reading, I shared why I no longer consider myself, or anyone else, a “late bloomer.” You’ll also hear related journaling prompts to spend some time with if you’d like! I’ll share a printout of the prompts on Patreon soon, too.
Stream the Girl Boner Radio episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Amazon Music, Spotify or here:
Since I read from my book, I won’t share the full transcript below as I normally do. If you’d like to read the story and don’t have access to the book, drop me a note to request a private transcript. Find a partial transcript, of the last third or so of the episode here. (It’ll make the most sense after you hear/read the story.)
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Krishna says
Hi August,
I’m a cis-man who is learning so much more now than ever about pleasuring myself and what I need. My long-term relationships with women each suffered sexually because of my immaturity in bed. I had performance anxiety, pretty big-time and was being ‘jerked around’ by my masturbation past-trauma and general/sexual anixety.
I’m a single dad and full-time professional in the financial industry… I’m a very loving and loyal friend, father and son. I’ve listened to the ‘Sex with Emily’ podcast about Fuck-buddies, and just wonder if you have any suggestions for meeting mid- thirty or forty-something y.o. women and having openness early on about my desire for somewhat casual sex.
I was always too timid when younger to meet. women at bars, or partying. Now, whether I’d be bolder or not, my first and foremost priority is my 10 y.o. duaghter… as I’m the responsible parent who has 80% of the time and all through the school year, except at breaks. That said, I use dating apps… maybe it’s easier now than 4 years ago to actually meet good women for casual connections that way. I just know I’d be competing with most other guys out there, in that way, right?
Thank you, Krishna