Sometime during high school, I watched The Dead Poet's Society on VHS. I remember thinking, "This'll be good," before watching it, and "Holy …
Beautiful Breakups: What the Revision Process Can Teach Us
The other day two things happened that seemed so connected, I had to share them. Within the same hour, I learned that a close friend is …
Daniel Palmer on Writing, Success & the Dog that Saved his Career
Had my number-dyslexia not kicked in on the last day of Bouchercon this year, I might not have read what's become one of my favorite …
How Does Your Story Grow?
My dad is a master gardener. He taught me early on that canned peas are to fresh what beef jerky is to top sirloin and that it takes skill, …
Show to Tell
We've all heard the writing principle, "Show, don't tell." By avoiding endless descriptions and summarizations (aka, "expositing"), we allow …