“Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big black space where the audience is.” — Mae West
Do you find personality as fascinating as I do? Merriam-Webster defines it as “the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character.” Influenced by everything from our genetics and upbringing to the culture and time in which we live, our personalities play significant roles in nearly everything we do. Yep! Including sex. We’ll get to that shortly.
Last week, the totally boob-o-riffic Susie Lindau talked about the Typealyzer over on Peg-o-Leg’s Ramblings. By comparing texts within a website, Typealyzer assesses its personality type, based on Myers-Briggs. (Myers-Briggs is a question and answer based personality tool derived from psychologist Carl Jung’s research and philosophies.) When I entered my blog URL into Typealyzer, the results came out wonky. When I entered my main website, which encompasses all all of my work, though, I was tickled. The results matched my Myers-Briggs profile and what others seem to perceive about me. Here is my brain on Typealyzer:
Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging (ENFJ)
Notable ENFJs: Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Johann von Goethe, Michael Moore, Oprah Winfrey, Kate Winslet, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Zack de la Rocha and Wedge Antilles
Common satisfying careers: Journalist, Editor, Social Worker, Event Coordinator, Teacher, PR Manager, Clergy, Speaker, Writer, Psychologist
So I had to know: Do I, Oprah and Mandela have the same sexual personalities?!? Since I don’t know them well enough to ask, I decided to investigate on my own.
We addressed sensitivity and sexuality somewhat in my post, “Am I Happier Single?” Learning to Love and Hyper-Sensitivity. But sensitivity is just one important personality factor. Today I decided to introduce my Girl Boner to Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs. (Hello, ladies!)
What follows is just for kicks, but I have to say—there’s truth in it! After you peruse my sexual personality profile (and yours, if you’re an ENFJ), I hope you’ll try the sexercise yourself. Drawing quotes from my Myers-Briggs profile and Typealyzer’s analysis, and adding two choice words, here is a glimpse at my potential Girl Boner personality:
- I am especially attuned to harmonic relationships in bed. (Cue music!)
- I live in possibilities and make things happen in bed. (I ♥ dreaming…)
- I’m a skilled communicator in bed. (Translation: over-talkative.)
- I can be overly sensitive in bed. (Pros and cons here, but yes.)
- I’m so externally focused that it’s especially important for me to spend time alone. (Important for GBs and all else, but ugh. Not in bed.)
- I may also have the tendency to be hard on myself and turn to dark thoughts when alone. (Historically, yes. And sex helps!)
- I’m energetic and fast-paced in bed. (Va-va-va-VROOM!)
- I excel at picking up the tone of situations and acting accordingly in bed, adding warmth to cool settings and turning sour into sweet. (I may have to research this one. Does eating cake before—er, never mind.)
- I have a talent for making people feel good in bed. (I hope so!)
- I’m straightforward and honest in bed. (Blurt-style, yes.)
- I enjoy working with people in bed. (Um…)
- I tend to be more reserved about exposing myself than other extraverted types in bed. (Not sure…?)
- I may feel quite lonely even when surrounded by people in bed. (Pending research.)
- I don’t like dealing with impersonal reasoning in bed. (Duh! Or anywhere.)
- What satisfies me most is helping others reach their full potential in bed. (GIRL BONER POWER!)
- I’m often highly productive in bed, but may find myself feeling unappreciated. (Note to self: Request pity sex and greater praise.)
- I have a strong need for close, intimate relationships in bed. (Usually. ;))
- As a giving nurturer, I need to remember to value my own needs as well as the needs of others. (Note to self: Buy that sex toy you’ve been eyeing…)
- I get excited about possibilities and the future, but can easily become restless in bed. (Manageable, but yes! Bring on the quickies.)
Okay, so it’s a bit like entertaining horoscopes. Even so, I see a lot of myself—sexually and otherwise—in my Myers-Briggs type. And I’d LOVE to hear tidbits from yours.
To play along, pop over to Typealyzer.com and enter your blog or homepage URL to receive your personality analysis. To skip the URL analysis and simply glance over the types or take the quiz, visit My MBTI Personality Type. Then come on back and share a few highlights—the more the merrier! Add “in bed” where it fits, and let me know if it jives well with your Girl Boner (or Boy Boner) style.
Does your Myers-Briggs profile match your sexual style? If you took the Typealyze test, what did you think? How are you…IN BED?
Satin Sheet Diva says
Typealyzer = ISTP. My last Myers-Briggs (11/2012) = ISFP. Going to now add the “in bed” and see where that leads me, LOL.
August McLaughlin says
LOL Have fun! And report back.
bulldog says
Typealyzer = ESFP – The Performers… Interesting interpretation of my personality… too old to try the “in bed” portion…
susielindau says
Thank for the shout out!
Mattias will wonder where all these hit are coming.
Hahaha! Brilliant! I will have to check out my ESFP party girl type in bed. It will be hilarious I’m sure.
August McLaughlin says
LOL I can imagine! Enjoy those parties!
Tameri Etherton says
OH. MY. STARS! I have to do this. I’m pretty sure the next time I see you in person, I’ll be giggling like a little girl. I feel like I know you so intimately, like I’ve actually been in bed with you at times! I love it.
David N. Walker says
Sounds kinky to me.
Tameri Etherton says
Me too, David, me too.
August McLaughlin says
LOL! That may be the best GB blog comment ever. Thanks, lovely!
Rebecca Enzor says
Hmmm, I got ESTP which is a first, but I’m probably more outgoing on my blog than I am in real life (that’s the whole point of the blog, after all). I’m usually an INF(something – I can never remember the last letter).
David N. Walker says
Maybe I’m schitzophrenic. Last time I checked I came out ESFJ, but Typealizer shows me INFP. Sounds like pretty far-apart readings. Hey, maybe that’s why no one understands me . . .
August McLaughlin says
Ha. I suppose it depends on how thematic our blogs are, and how much we let our full selves shine there. M.B. likely says lots more about our sexuality.
There is an option to let Typealyzer know that they misjudged – if you’re so inclined. Fun anyway, right? Thanks for playing!
Tameri Etherton says
Well what do you know? I’m an ENFJ for personality and ISFP for the blog. This was cool.
August McLaughlin says
Sweet! I can see both of those for you, Tameri. Your spunk seems to shine particularly bright in person, and your insightfulness is crazy pronounced on your blog. You’re an awesome blend of both regardless.
Reetta Raitanen says
Love this post. Adding ‘in bed’ is a blast I was analyzed as ISTJ (Duty Fulfiller) which is actually my husband’s type. I’m INFP/INFJ and not very good with duties.
Tuan Ho says
I entered my blog and I’m apparently a ISFP – The Artists
Notable ISFPs include: Brad Pitt, David Beckham, and Wicket the Ewok.
Brad Pitt and David Beckham, sure, that’s definitely me. But Wicket the Ewok? WTF? lol
Gerry H says
ESTJ Hummmm I just don’t know, Could be, might be…LOL It was fun and interesting.
Kitt Crescendo says
It’s like a Girlboner fortune cookie extravaganza “in bed”.
Kitt Crescendo says
Finally got a chance to Typealyze myself…I’m ISFP- The Artists.
The gentle and compassionate type in bed. I’m especially attuned their inner values and what other people feel in bed. I usually have a strong appreciation for art and beauty or things around them that affect the look, taste, sound or smell (of what happens in bed?).
I am not a friend of many words and tend to take the worries of the world on my shoulders in bed (well, who is? Oh, God! Yeah. Right there. and screaming….that’s about all the communication needed in bed).
I tend to follow the path of least resistance and have to look out not to be taken advantage of in bed (oh, please…feel free to take advantage there. Any place else can be quite dangerous for the other party).
I tend to value my friends and family above what they do for a living (I hesitate to add in bed to this one…and the only family I have “in bed” is hubby. The other idea is just…ew!). I genuinely care about people in bed…and everywhere else.
I am extremely gifted at creating and composing things that stimulates the senses, such as art, music or food in bed. I often prefer working quietly, behind the scene as a part of a team in bed (see…I knew there was a reason ménage romances are so yummy to me…hehehehe). I have no desire to lead others and I don’t want to be led in bed (ahem-not exactly accurate). ISFPs are sometimes not good at giving him/herself enough credit for things they did well in bed.
Gloria Richard Author says
Ka-Snort! on Kitt’s comment.
Unless two personality types have exactly the same career recommendations, I am ESFJ, too, August.
Thank you for doing my homework for me, GB Mentor Extraordinaire.
Having said that, I see what you accomplish in a given week and measure it against what I accomplish in that same week. I think I’d better turn that “J” finger on myself.
Oh, wait. In bed, I already…
August McLaughlin says
LOL You are too much, Gloria! I mean that in the most flattering way. Very happy to have done your “homework.”
I have no doubt that your strengths are many, and that I could take lessons from you. I love the fact that our types only go so far. It’s our unique souls and spirits really define us.
robriley says
ENFJ, but no longer able to serve happy meals. Interloping physical events established the need for different pursuits. I still peek through cracks in the scenery, but the creative nature is channeled differently. There were two choices; I choose to write. Other brave, self-sacrificing souls choose to write with me, as it were. And I can still do THIS – :)))
Raani York says
Okay… THIS is hilarious…
Entering my blog into the Typealyzer the result turned out to be ISFP – The Artists – entering my regular Website the result showed me as ISTP – The Mechanics. Both types are kind of fitting… at some places… what angers me though is the fact that no career advice as a writer shows up. *growl*
Hm… on the other hand… maybe the “mix” of me being those two types make my man stay together with me… when living both types to their fullest in my life – always… then I must be a rocket – in bed. LOL