It seems to me that most women have an alter-ego, one that isn’t actually so “alternative” when we get down to it. Sure, it may vary hugely from the person we present to the world, but it may also be where our authenticity shines the most. In a world that tries to tell us who we should be, in and outside of the bedroom, every woman who stands on her own feet and declares, “Take me as I am!” is a superhero, IMO.
Meet Dillion Harper, an award-winning porn star who has a lot to say about embracing our full selves. Dillion shares her alter-ego, Velvet Sinn, in a comic book of the same name. In the tale inspired by her personal journey, sweet, young “good girl” Dillion can’t resist the voices in her head about fighting crime and sexual prowess to right others’ wrongs. So she does the logical (read awesome) thing and lets her alter-ego Velvet Sinn out to play.
In our interview on Girl Boner® Radio last week, Dillion shared this of her goals with the story:
“We’re so obsessed with what’s on the internet and movies and how certain supermodels look, the image today, in 2016, how we’re supposed to look. We are all unique women. We all have something special and perfect about each individual one of us. So what I really hope for women to walk away with this comic book is that we’re strong. We shouldn’t sit there and act like we’re weak and think that we have to become something else or fit in… Don’t be afraid to be yourself.”
Listen to our full chat below, or on iTunes or Stitcher Radio. You’ll also hear Dr. Megan Fleming’s response to a listener’s question: Can guys have multiple orgasms? If so, how? (Hint: the answer is yes, but it takes practice!)
If you’d like your own copy of Velvet Sinn, send an email to To learn more about Dillion’s work in the adult industry, check out her website:
Don’t forget! You have four more days to enter the Embraceable release party giveaway! It’s simple and free to enter, and the prizes are awesome—sensual jewelry, gift cards, books and more.
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