August talks with Belle Knox, the college freshman who’s been making national headlines since her vocation as an adult entertainer was revealed on campus.
“The issue with the discussion of pornography is that people see it as either something that’s good or bad. It’s not that black and white.” — Belle Knox
For more about Belle in her own words, check out her recent articles:
“I’m the Duke University Freshman Porn Star and for the First Time I’m Telling the Story In My Own Words.” (Here she used the pen name “Lauren.”)
“I’m Finally Revealing My Name and Face as the Duke Porn Star“
If you enjoyed our interview and Belle’s insight, let us know! Post a comment below or connect with us on Twitter. You can tweet Belle at @belle_knox.
C.K. says
“Belle” is so very intelligent, well-spoken, and courageous and she has such a healthy perspective on porn and female sexuality. It’s sad to hear that she had to endure all of that bullying, shaming, and judgement simply because she made the decision to engage in sexual activity(which is something as natural,normal, healthy, and human as sleeping, eating, and breathing!). I guess those jerks have an issue with a young woman who is in control of her body and sexuality!?
It’s so very wrong to bully, and shame anybody but it’s much more harmful and destructive when it’s directed at a young woman for something as personal and intimate as her sexuality and sex life. No female should have to go through this type of thing, especially during their delicate, and critical formative years. This is when young adults start learning about pair-bonding and intimate relationships; it’s when they experiment,explore, and express their sexuality so as to learn about their own unique likes,dislikes,tastes and preferences; and it’s a time when they establish a sense of personal control over their bodies. Anyone who intentionally disrupts this natural process is a sorry excuse for a human being.
While “Belle” is a strong woman and was able to successfully make it through that dark time in her life with a smile and lots of positive energy, it’s probable that those bullies caused her some mental,emotional, and spiritual damage that she still needs to address and work through. If she ever decides on therapy to work through her issues, I think that her bullies, and shamers should be forced to cover the costs of her therapy sessions!
I also think that the media really dropped the ball here. They could have embraced Belle and her story and used it for good. If they wanted to, they could’ve used this intelligent, talented, brave, and articulate young woman to help educate and assist other young women in regards to their sexuality,sexual identity and sexual issues. They could’ve focused on the insane amounts of student debt and financial burden that young adults have to deal with; and what about the shame that so many young catholic women are made to feel about their bodies and sexuality; they also could’ve focused on her kind nature, and good heart by talking about the volunteer work that she did while in high-school . Unfortunately, it seems that they ended up focusing on the negative, and rehashed the same old misogynistic, slut-shaming narrative that they always do.
So many people in this society ignore this issue and instead worry about issues that are distant, foreign and so far away. I guess it’s harder emotionally to accept and deal with issues like this that are so close to home. This gender problem is, in my mind, one of the most important issues that we, as a society, need to address, and we need to get to work on it ASAP! We absolutely need to balance and repair the toxic gender dynamic that has existed here for far too long.