Hey there, friend, I’m hopping in with some fun news and an invitation. I launched a Girl Boner Radio community on Patreon! And I can’t wait for you to check it out.
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For as little as two bucks a month, you can get access to this private space. For a little bit more, you can get occasional bonus episodes, outtakes, behind the scenes fun drawings for awesome prizes and more. I’m going to be holding my first drawing really soon. So if you’re among the first people to sign up, you’ll have a pretty good chance of winning. These prizes have a value of up to over $200. I have brand new sex toys, books, lube, all kinds of cool stuff to give away.
As you know if you’ve been listening for some time, this show and its mission have always felt deeply personal to me. Sexual empowerment may have become a bit of a buzzword, but I take it very, very seriously. Years ago, it helped save my life. And while the specifics of such challenges vary, my journey is far from unique. So many people need helpful sexuality and pleasure information and all of the rewards sexual self-embracement can bring.
This show has evolved so much over the past few years, and exponentially since the start of the pandemic. I went from recording in a studio to recording from home. I learned to edit and engineer on my own–which I never imagined I’d do. As challenging as those changes have been, they have also opened up so many possibilities. Things have changed quite a bit, as you may have noticed.

I have always wanted to do not only interviews, but narrated episodes and story compilations—such as the true solo play and incredible orgasm stories I released last month, which are two of my favorites, and the sex and dating stories series that has been so fun. I now get to better curate episodes and approach them in more journalistic ways, while still keeping the approachable and conversational feel I value so much.
It’s also given me so many ideas for more cool things I want to bring to you all in the future, and helped solidify my goal of making this show my main focus, professionally, advocacy-wise and in all ways.
These changes have also given me so many ideas for other cool things I want to bring to you all in the future, and helped solidify my goal of making this show my main focus, professionally, advocacy wise, in all ways. And of course, all of those plans mean more time and more energy. All of it is totally worth it to me, but I really need to build my team and get more financial support.
In addition to all of that, I have longed to have a greater sense of community with listeners, a place where we can connect on a more personal level, and not in a public forum. I want to give you more chances to weigh in on upcoming topics, get glimpses behind the scenes and get your hands on Girl Boner merch, if you want it.
So, I launched a Girl Boner Radio Patreon community—and I cannot wait for you to check it out. For as little as $2 a month, you can get access to this private space. For a bit more, you can get access to occasional bonus episodes, behind the scenes fun, drawings for awesome prizes and more. I’ll be holding my first drawing soon, so you’ll have pretty great odds of winning if you’re among the first people to sign up.
There’s a lot of zaniness in the world, and I truly believe that we can make a more powerful impact together. If you believe in my mission or enjoy the show, please consider joining me.
To learn more, head to patreon.com/girlboner.
Thank you so much for any support. I’m wishing you all the pleasure and empowerment you deserve—in other words, a whole lot.
I wish you success in the implementation of your plans.
Thank you!