“Don’t play with my heart. Play with my clitoris. It feels better.” Why does that e-greeting quip always make me laugh?
Play is an awesome thing. Games, too, are groovy, as long as they’re respectful and well-intended. And all of this can fit into sexy, spicy Girl Boner play.
In preparation for this week’s Girl Boner Radio episode with the awesome Lora Somoza, a noted sex columnist and radio show host, I did a bit of research on sex games recommended by various popular online publications.
Here are a few trends I noticed about sex games I read about:
- Most were designed for straight, cisgender couples, and many seem to consider sex penis-in-vagina penetration.
- Lots of the sex games involved timers and numbers, which seemed like a lot of math to me. HA!
- Many were basically role play or “foreplay” (and a lot of “foreplay” is really sex, IMO). If you’re interested in experiencing more of both or either, there’s a lot to pick from.
So why did I do all this investigating, aside from my usual Girl Boner curiosity? I’d recently received a prototype of a new sex game called The F’ing Truth, created by singer and occasional sex blogger, Carsie Blanton to try out.
It sounded very fun and Girl Boner-esque, so I invited Lora to play it with me during an episode! No, we didn’t get naked and no role playing or foreplay unfolded. But we did have a blast giving The F’ing Truth a whirl!
According to the company’s crowdfunding site, The F’ing Truth is a “talking-about-sex game for you and your f’ing friends. ‘Bingo’ and ‘Never Have I Ever’s cooler, funner lovechild.”
Seriously, who wouldn’t want to try that?

Here’s what I dug most about The F’ing Truth sex game:
It’s inclusive! HOOOORAAAAY! It works no matter what your gender identity, relationship or sexual orientation (except asexual, but ace folks probably aren’t sex game-inclined). It’s basically for anyone who engages in and enjoys sex. And the definition of “sex” goes well beyond intercourse or penetration. I love that the game instructions point this out!
It’s portable and simple to get the hang of and play. Really, who wants to sit around and read a ton of complicated instructions before getting busy having fun? The instructions for The F’ing Truth fit on one standard deck-of-cards card. Thank goddesses.
It encourages open chit chat about sex, making it a taboo-breaker. Whoop whoop! Talking about sex can be fun, strengthening and even healing. The F’ing Truth is like a grownup slumber party game that may just contribute to a more open and sex-positive culture.
You can tweak the rules a bit, if desired. I actually did this for the episode. As the game is written, you move ahead if you can answer “yes” to a “have you ever” style question and a number on your board is called. I wanted to give points for sharing instead, to avoid the whole getting rewarded or seeming, perhaps, cooler, for being more sexually diverse or active thing (which I’m guessing wasn’t the intent with the game, but I’m geeky about this stuff). So we gave ourselves points for answering at all.
It’s also fun if you don’t keep score and simply use the Q&A and story cards for conversation fodder. (For the stories, you read a prompt then answer, drawing from personal experience.) Lora and I kept score, mostly, but didn’t finish the game as we got so into playing that time slipped away! I’d say that’s a good sign. I could see us playing with a several friends over dinner or drinks and having a grand old time. For hours. Or maybe days. ;)
To hear Lora and me play The F’ing Truth sex game, stream the episode on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, SoundCloud or below! We also gabbed about sex games in general and weighed in for a listener who’s been fantasizing about taking her husband on a swingers’ cruise but feels intimidated, with the help of Dr. Megan Fleming and Carol and David of The Sexy Lifestyle.
To learn more about The F’ing Truth and support its crowdfunding campaign, click here!
To save $30 off your first month at TalkSpace, an online therapy option I’m gaga for, use this link: talkspace.com/boner.
What sex games have you played? What do you think of The F’ing Truth?
Sounds wonderful! I will have to look into it.