Why resolve to something diminishing when you can set your sights on something more fun? Dr. Sakshi Tickoo weighs in for Girl Boner Radio …
New Years Resolutions
Why Resolve When You Can Rebel? Empowering Aims for the New Year
Why resolve, when we can rebel? As we near the end of what's been a difficult year for so many of us, I've been thinking a lot about this …
Healthy Resolve: How to Lose Excess Pounds Without Losing Yourself
And by weight, I mean the heft of all consequences of unhealthy habits, not merely excess pounds. It's no news to most of us that …
Move Over Weight Loss! 8 Wellness Resolutions Worth Setting
"It is only possible to live happily everafter on a day to day basis." – Margaret Bonnano About 45 percent of Americans typically set New …
#GirlBoner Resolutions: 25 Sex Goals Worth Setting
Whether we love, loathe or trudge through them, the holidays are a prime time for reflection. One year comes to a close, opening a brand new …