Welcome to the last Girl Boner Radio episode of 2020! And what a year it has been. Before our year-end break—I’ll return with new episodes on January 6th—I wanted to bring you all something special.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts (iPhone app), iHeartRadio, Spotify or below! Or read on for a lightly edited transcript.
“OMG” Dating Stories: Holiday Edition on Girl Boner Radio (transcript)
As I’m sure you know by now, I’m big into personal stories. I think they’re the best teachers and, especially in the zaniness of this past year 2020, necessary. I also like to wrap up each year in a way that feels like I’m hanging out with friends. So I chatted with a few friends of mine and someone new I’m excited to introduce you all to for another round of “OMG” dating stories. The kind that you might share at an adult slumber party or happy hour. Later in the show, we’ll hear Dr. Megan Fleming’s thoughts for a listener who wonders if his boners are broken.
For more Girl Boner fun, including bonus stories, I hope you’ll join my Patreon community. By doing so, you can get a bunch of fun extras and support this show and my mission at the same time. I polled the group for the next bonus content and Ask Me Anything is in the lead. So soon, I’ll answer every question folks submit, along with some fun interview moments that didn’t make the final cut. I’ll also share casual videos I don’t share anywhere else, behind the scenes glimpses and downloadable activities that pair with certain episodes. Learn more at partreon.com/GirlBoner or click the link down in the show notes.
Now, onto our stories.
[a few bars of acoustic music]
I met Jess Witkins through the blogging community some years back and I immediately appreciated her heart and humor. She’s always felt a bit like a sister to me, not only because we share many values, but we’re also both from the Midwest.
I usually say I’m a writer, blogger and storyteller. My mission in life is to make pathetic look cool [laughs] because that’s just what I feel is on-brand for me. I am a public librarian by day and an aspiring writer by night.
August (narration):
Years before she entered the professional realm, Jess was 20 years old and enjoying her first spring break trip as a college student when she ended up making a romantic connection with someone in an unconventional way… She and two friends had flown to Fort Lauderdale to escape the cold, she said, as someone from Wisconsin does, and they were finishing their trip with a night on the town. [club music]
It was just a fun, crazy when you’re in your 20s with spring break trip with your girlfriends, and they’ve all kind of like found these other partners along the trip. And this was like our last night in town. We were flying the next day.
I’m so embarrassed. This is the craziest way to pick up a person.
So, it was St. Patrick’s Day, over the course of our spring break. And we wanted to get into the clubs but we were underage. So, because it was a holiday, we thought a good plan would be if I pretended that I was Irish because I have red hair so clearly that just makes me Irish. I’m not, in fact, actually Irish at all. But that was the plan. And so we did bribe a bouncer and I spoke with an Irish accent for the entire night. I just did my best at a brogue and like went on.
And we ended up meeting a couple guys, one of whom was celebrating his United States citizenship. He had just gotten it that day and was originally from Colombia and we hit it off.
August (narration):
Jess couldn’t remember the first thing she said to him, so we quickly googled some Irish pickup lines. It might have been something like this:
“I’m doublin’ my efforts to get you to go out with me, as in Dublin, Ireland.”
“I thought your smile was the shimmer from a pot o’ gold. So I followed it and found something as bright and beautiful as a rainbow. You.”
August (narration):
Okay, it was probably nothing like those.
When he asked Jess about her family, she blurted out that they owned a sheep farm [baaaah]: that’s something people do in Ireland, right? It was the only thing she could think of.
And their interactions that night made an impression on both of them. They really hit it off and she and her friend ended up going back to their house more fun ensued. The spring break trip ended the next day, but those memories lingered.
But I couldn’t stop thinking about him. And thankfully, he couldn’t stop thinking about me. And so I got this email waiting for me when I got back to Wisconsin saying, “Hey, like, do you remember me?” Obviously, I did. So, I emailed him back and was like, “Yeah, I remember you, but I have a confession to make” and explained I’m actually from Wisconsin. And thankfully, he thought it was really funny.
August (narration):
Jess and the guy ended up dating for a while. And they never really talked about how it all started. I mean, can you imagine the conversation when someone asked the proverbial how did you meet question?
Well I bribed someone to get into a bar and was hoping I’d get free drinks all night by pretending to be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day and…
August (narration):
Jess’s story goes to show that even if we’re not 100% honest while making a first impression, all can still pan out well, depending on just how dishonest we are and how we proceed.
And I certainly didn’t go out that night intending to pick someone up. It just kind of happened. So apart from the ridiculous accent and probably lying about what my family did, in terms of trying to think of what does to make money in Ireland, I think most of what else that we talked about was honest. I think I had the same number of siblings or things that were important that we talked about—our values and things like that—those aligned and made sense and so that’s why I think we were able to continue it from that point, because we did have a good connection.
August (narration):
We never know with whom or when we’ll have that special connection, fake accents or not. And sometimes, even when we sense that the connection is there, it takes a while for anything more to happen. As in this story, from Will Armstrong, a publicist in Los Angeles.
I met Will way back when Girl Boner lived only on my blog. I had just started appearing on podcasts to talk about sexuality when he invited me to appear on the show of one of his clients, Dr. Lisa Masterson. I had a blast on the show and afterward, Will called me and asked, “Why don’t you have a show?” A couple of months later, I did. So it’s not a stretch to say that meeting Will changed my life. And in some ways, meeting a particular guy on an app some years—well, two guys—changed his.
Before Will was a publicist, he was a professional dancer. He traveled all over the world and he told me he was always involved in what he called a “show-mance.”
Like whether I was on tour, I was living in Japan, I was always dating somebody in the show. And so, dating was never really hard until I became a publicist. And then I was in the real world. And I was like, how am I going to meet people?
August (narration):
So he went online and started meeting people on apps.
You know how there’s all these different apps? This one I don’t even know if people go on anymore. It’s called RealJock. It’s like, sporty. It’s so silly. They had fitness tips and workouts, and then they have this social platform. And so you’d meet guys that cared about fitness and me as a dancer, I’ve always cared about fitness.
August (narration):
I checked and RealJock is still around. It does have a little big of an early 2000s, MySpace vibe. The homepage is full of photos of guys, many shirtless, flexing their muscles. And the main image shows a man wearing only silky briefs and a necklace. He’s gazing ahead as though straight at you, with a sort of “hey baby” and “I know I’m hot” look on his face. The caption below reads, “Will you be the next man of the day?”
I was meeting all these nice guys and just talking to them and whatnot. This one I made a really nice connection with; I thought he was great. I thought he was funny, I thought he was sweet, I thought he was smart.
And then I got transferred and I had to move to Las Vegas to help open a new show at The Palazzo. And I was kind of bummed because we had never even met in person. We just had texted and talked on the phone. And then I was gone.
August (narration):
Will hadn’t been looking for a long-distance romance and the guy he had felt a connection with lived in LA. So he had moved and was essentially moving on.
When I was in Vegas, there was this other guy that had I talked to a couple times, who was just like, “Hey, I’m in Vegas for business.” And it was around the holidays. It was around Christmas. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Vegas in Christmastime but it’s really this extra glitz. [“Jingle Bells” music] There’s extra sparkle, there’s extra holiday and stuff like that. And so this guy was just like, “I’m in town. Let’s get together for a drink.” So, I was like, “sure.”
So we went out and we had this great time. We’re walking around the city, and we went to shops at Caesars and like, it’s really fun. And he was nice. And there was kind of a connection there but not…. it was a date. He was a nice guy to spend time.
And we kept talking. I knew he was in LA and he owned his own condo and he had a roommate that he really, really liked who was in the TV industry. He started describing him and the more and more he started talking about him, I realized it was the guy that I had really connected with that I really liked. I was like, “Wait a minute is your roommate, so and so?” And all of a sudden the date just completely changed. And I realized how much I liked this other guy.
He saw the levels of interest. And then I just watched the death of a perfectly good evening right in front of me where he got colder and it got awkward.
We went back to his hotel, and I tried to move forward but I just wasn’t into it. And it’s just kind of like, we just saw that there was nothing and I was just like, I’m just gonna go.
So then I realized that I needed to reach out to this guy that I had feelings for. So I kind of told him what happened. And we had a good laugh about it. But then we started texting and calling each other on the regular. And then I went to visit him. And I stayed with him in his condo with… Yeah, it was awkward.
August (narration):
Will told me that given that they’re all adults, things turned out fine. Awkward, but fine. And he went on to date the man he had that strong connection with for a couple of years. Then, when it seemed the relationship had run its course, he went back to apps where he met his now husband, Bill, a man Will described as quick-witted and thoughtful, someone with whom he has shared an easy, natural connection with from day one. They took their chat off the app quickly, which Will feels is important for dating-through-apps success, depending on what your goals are. Will and Bill have been together now for six years.
One thing I love about Bill, especially now with the pandemic, we both work from home; we have two dogs, and it’s never his turn to walk the dogs or my turn to walk the dogs, we always walk the dogs together. It’s such a nice thing. He’s working on his computer, he’ll drop everything to grab a leash, and we just walk around the streets.
And I feel like all of those relationships that didn’t work out, I learned so much. And I learned who I wanted to be in the right relationship. So now, I can take all those things I learned from all those great people that I’m so appreciative to and treat someone how I want to be treated. We very rarely raise our voices or get in arguments because we can press pause and just be like, “okay, let’s just talk. What’s going on?” And I just really appreciate that. I think that comes from just mutual respect and love, you know? I’m really grateful for the apps or I never would have met Bill.
[a few bars of acoustic music]
August (narration):
Taking communication offline quickly, from apps to meeting someone virtually or in-person, can help reveal a lot about a person and any potential chemistry you might have—or not have. My friend and host of Sex Positive Me, Anelique Luna, knows this arguably too well.
And I’m also a sex and relationship expert and an intuitive life coach that helps people better communicate their sexual desires and needs.
August (narration):
Which is actually what her “OMG” dating experience involved.
My husband and I are both openly bisexual swingers in an open relationship and we still like to date, you know, together. We met a couple and we thought, okay, hey, you know, we’re honest. You know, we clicked and we had chemistry at the local restaurant, had some drinks, and we’re like, “You know what? Why don’t you just come on over and we’ll have a playdate?” Come to find out, three hours later, it turned into a therapy session.
August (narration):
The four got together and almost immediately, Angelique noticed problems with how the guy in the pair was treating his partner.
The more the conversation was going, the more I saw him being very instigating like, “hey, go do this, go kiss him.” And she was like, “no.” She didn’t feel comfortable. And at the same time, she was like, “Do you have any games to play to get in the mood?” I’ve never played games to get into the mood. I’ve had other couples that were like, “You know what? Let’s go into the bedroom. Let’s go have some fun.” Or the clothes come off or whatever. They’re a little bit more forward. This was just like pushing and no, and she was just being uncomfortable. At the same time she was curious, because the more we talked about our experiences with other couples, then it just slowly evolved on the issues that they were having. And now I’m like, “Out! Get out! Get out! Get out!”
Apparently, the female was not very comfortable. The male was more in the swinging lifestyle, much longer, so she was trying it. And so, he was very aggressive and pushing and I’m like, I don’t feel comfortable. I’m like, “I’m sorry, the way you treat her is a huge turnoff for me.” He was trying to push her to feel relaxed or go sit next to John; I was just like, “no, no, she needs to want this.” So it ended up being a female empowerment for her and then like a friggin’ ego-buster for the guy because it was just like iff you going to be in this swinging community, you must agree. You have to communicate and express your desires and what is it that you’re willing to do, what not to do, and not force each other to do it and it was just like…
Wow. So what were some of the things that you taught them?
Communication, trying to understand that what you are wanting to do is completely acceptable for you but if your partner doesn’t tell you that “Hey, I hate that. You’re gonna just keep doing something bad.” My favorite is, “You said this but I understood that.” Just that simple phrase of what you understood, versus what they said, will help clarify so much. Because the message might have been said one way but it was interpreted another. But if you don’t ask for that clarity, you’re just still going to go on this bad train wreck. And you got to figure out where to put the brakes on.
Did it change the way that you approach couples who you might play with in the future? Or was this a flukey thing?
No, it doesn’t. It’s just one of those. I don’t know. The swinger world is completely the wild, wild west there because you have old school—I mean, I’ve been doing this for 25 years—and then you got others that are just newbies and getting in and I’m like, time-out. If you’re going to pay me, great. But if you want to date me and have me teach you, not happening.
Here’s my invoice.
Exactly. This is my playtime. I’m not getting paid. This is what I normally do.
Via, shhhh.
August (narration):
Even my dog had feelings about that.
Most people want to be good partners. So that was a gift you gave them.
Who knows if it was a gift I gave them or they just broke up? I couldn’t tell after that. What I tell a lot of people before you get into the swinging world, make sure you know yourself and your partner. First, yourself.
August (narration):
Speaking of knowing yourself, Angelique also told me about another “oh my god” dating experience with a guy who struggled with a related issue. She met a guy online and they seemed to be having a great conversation, so they decided to meet in-person.
And usually I gather and sense from the conversation how confident or secure the person is. Then I’m like, okay, they got their stuff together.
So I’m on my way to the location to meet up with the person and then he sends me a photo. And I was like, “Oh, you look very handsome.”“Oh, you really think so?” I’m like, oh, great.
August (narration):
His comments went on. Did he really look hot? Did she really think so? Meanwhile, Angelique could almost see him fixating on his appearance in the mirror.
[husky voice: “Hot…Ooh, spicy!”]
The red flag of insecurity just popped up and I’m five minutes away from this date.
I still showed up. We went to this nice hotel and had dinner and the majority of the conversation was his wife. And I’m used to that from a sugar baby aspect. So, it was like, okay, that’s fine. Again, it turned into another therapy session. I don’t know why some of my dates end up to be a therapy session.
And then he was like, “Would you like to go back upstairs to the hotel?” and I’m like, you know at this point, let me just do it for sympathy’s sake. Pity sex, basically. That’s what it boiled down to. And then at the end, he gives me a high five. I’m like, who high fives after sex? It looks like he wanted another round. I’m like, no, not after that. I’m sorry. I’m done. The date has now been considered the high five date.
[a few bars of acoustic music]
August (narration):
I met Maile specifically for this episode and I liked her so much immediately.
I am the director of product for #open (“Hashtag Open”), which is a sex-positive dating app for people who are looking for polyamory, BDSM and open relationships.
August (narration):
There’s something pretty special about meeting people in this space—meaning Girl Boner or in the sexuality field. I love getting the chance to dive into intimate topics with someone straight away. It’s probably why I consider so many of my guests, including those I’ve only met during interviews, friends. You’ll hear from Maile and other folks from #open again in upcoming episodes: one on open marriages and another on sex and pregnancy. Our first conversation was a goody, and her story seemed like a great way to wrap up not only this episode, but this year.
So Maile and her husband, Adam, opened their marriage about two years ago. Over the past year, they’ve been getting into polyamory—meaning rather than seeking sexual encounters outside of just the two of them, they’re having relationships on the side. Especially Maile. This story involves their first full sex swap with another couple. For privacy reasons, she calls her boyfriend Pip.
Pip and I had just start dating and we were starting to hang out more. It happened to be a Saturday night where my husband and I didn’t have kids in the house. And Pip and his wife were similar situation; their kids were out and about. So they’re like, “Oh, well, why don’t you come over tonight?” Like that’s a great night. So, we were really excited to kind of set it up. You know, my husband and I had had playdates and threesomes before, but we had never coordinated with another couple. So it was very exciting. Definitely like first time nerves.
August (narration):
Maile told me she engages in ritual before dates like this one. She gets really excited and cleans the house from top to bottom any time she and Adam are about to have a play partner over.
So I was in my groove cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. And I just kind of finished up and I was on the second floor of our house. And as I’m winding down and ready to just kind of relax for a bit before Pip and his wife come over, I walk into our hallway, and I see a bird flying around. And I’m like, oh my goodness!
So, I see it flying around. I kind of try and figure out where it goes. I see that it goes downstairs, which is where my husband, Adam, is and we start looking around for it. He’s like, “Yeah, I saw it, too.” We’re starting to look around and we can’t find it. And after we look for like five or six minutes, he’s like, “Are you sure it was a bird?” And I’m like, “Oh, my god. Maybe it wasn’t a bird.”
August (narration):
She remembered that a few years prior they had had a bat in their house. It ended up perching on the playroom. So as soon as Adam asked that question—“are you sure it’s a bird?”—she went straight to the playroom.
…and there’s a bat in there.
We’re like, oh, this is not good. We’re having company over but because we had had this happen before. We’re like, okay, we just have to close it in there. Animal Control is going to come tomorrow. No big deal.
So that’s what we did. We closed it in there. Pip and his wife came over. We joked about it. They looked at the bat; it was a good laugh. And we’re like, okay, we’ll call animal control in the morning. And it was the joke that as we had our coffee, we’d be ending the date with Animal Control swinging by.
So, the night goes on, you know, we kind of split off. Pip and I were excited to have a little bit of time on our own to kind of explore and have fun and the same thing with Adam and Pip’s wife.
And yeah, we had a good time all night. We did our fun things. Adam and Pip’s wife kind of settled into our room and Pip and I decided we were going to settle into the spare bedroom for the night.
So we finally fall asleep, like in the middle of the night. I woke up really startled, who knows how long later, and I’m like, oh, what’s happening? I hear a noise. [fluttering wings] And it’s like dusk or dawn, you know, so it’s kind of just starting to get light in the room, but I can’t see very well. And I open my eyes, and I realize there’s a bat flying around our heads.
We had barely slept a wink, and I’m haking him awake. And I’m like, “Don’t freak out! But there’s a bat.” And he’s like, what do you mean? He’s half awake. He didn’t have his contacts in so he couldn’t actually see. But he can just make out the image of this thing flying, like darting near our heads.
So we had to make a plan. And we’re like, well, we just have to get out of the room and figure it out so we’re like waiting until the bat perches, gets tired and it stops. On one of those times, we grabbed everything, and we ran into the hallway and took a breath.
I head downstairs to our kitchen. And as I get into the kitchen—no lie—another bat starts flying around. By this point, we’re like oh, my god. Three bats in the house. I open the door; I think that one got out. We were able to close all the bats in the rooms, kind of settle in.
As we’re winding down and laughing about it and it’s a good time, we’re kind of like, don’t worry. The wildlife guy is going to come. He’s going to find the bats.
August (narration):
Only, that’s not quite what happened. Pip and his wife left, the wildlife guy arrived and and Maile and Adam were relaxing while the search ensued.
He never found the bats. Like we don’t know what happened. We think they got out of the house on their own.
August (narration):
But even if the bats had flown out on their own, the ordeal was far from over. Because apparently if you sleep in a room with a flying bat, you have to go get tested for rabies.
We both called our doctors. I’m like, oh my gosh. It kind of feels like I have to call and disclose an STI to him. It’s like our first full night sleep over, and I call him and I’m like, “So listen, they couldn’t find the bat. I think we have to go to the ER.” And so we did. And it was like a big joke that we like started our relationship getting treated for rabies together.
The follow up to our first sleepover was a trip to the ER where we’d like learned each other’s full medical histories. We were laughing. The poor registration people are like, “Okay, so are you each other’s emergency contact?” And we’re like, “No, that would actually be my husband.” And they’re like, “Whaat?” I’m sure they were very confused.
August (narration):
Not only that, but they had to go back in several times for series of shots.
The first time we went, it was two shots in our legs, two in the arms. And they’re like, yeah, they’re these are really painful. And we’re like, oh, my gosh. So, it was like a whole process.
I look back now and we laugh and laugh. We were actually just joking about it a couple weeks ago. Remember in the beginning when it was so easy to schedule dates because like we just had to go to the hospital to get shots. And that was like, okay, well, I guess we’ll go out for lunch afterward.
I guess this is gonna work out because like we somehow had fun going on rabies shots and enjoyed being around each other. And so we’re like after that, I’ll think we’ll stick around for a while.
August (narration):
Maile said that a couple of people have asked her if she thinks it’s a bad omen, to have bats invade your intimacy early on. So far, it hasn’t turned out that way. If anything, it’s seemed like the opposite.
I think that being able to kind of really gauge that we had similar personalities, because we were able to laugh through it and go with the flow. But then at the same time, there were also moments that really kind of showed me some of his character. It was a lot of work to schedule all these shots and I remember one day I was just really busy with work and my kids. And he’s like, “just send me a picture of your insurance card. I have the rest. I got your name and date of birth. I got it.”
I hear people talking about the red flags for relationships, but sometimes you also have to look for the green flags and stuff like that. He didn’t have to do that for me but he actually wanted to and he cared enough to take the time to do it.
August (narration):
I looked into bat symbolism and yes, there are some beliefs about bad omens. But other beliefs seem to suit Miale’s situation far better: Bats are also known as “guardians of the night” and symbols of rebirth. [fluttering wings]
The last listener question of the year is one I think many of us can relate to in some way. It involves emotional challenges that make sex less possible or appealing. It came from Philip, who wrote this:
I’m wondering if my boners are broken. I went through a really awful and shocking breakup and ultimately a divorce after my wife cheated with a buddy of mine and other sordid details I’ll skip. I thought I was past it all, but embarrassingly, I tried to have sex for the first time since then and……..nothing happened. Is it possible these things are connected?
Philip, you are awesome for reaching out. Here is what Dr. Megan Fleming had to say:
[acoustic guitar strum]
Dr. Megan:
Philip, thank you so much for your question. I want to start by saying that beyond the fact that you were betrayed by your wife, and a close friend, which honestly would shake anybody at the core, this is also your first time being intimate with someone new in how many years? And I say that because it’s not uncommon. It can be 5, 10, 15 or more years, since dating and having sex with someone new. So that anxiety is normal and natural, especially when it’s been such a long time.
And you’re also in the very beginning stages of a relationship or hooking up, so the normative questions of, do they like me? Do I like them? And you’re all just sort of figuring it out. Arousal is a reflex, so I want you to check in with yourself whenever you’re flirting, going out hooking up. Are you feeling turned on? I say that because it’s not uncommon that sometimes we may initiate sex when you’re not turned on. I think that unfortunately, in our culture, there’s a lot of stereotypes that men want sex all the time and in all conditions and that’s just not the reality and that’s not true.
So take your time making out dry humping, sort of pacing, to get a sense of are you enjoying? Are you turned on? Are you aroused? Are you looking forward with anticipation? Or are you getting flooded by the experience? Because when or if you’re getting flooded, or you’re just checking in and you’re like, I’m not that aroused, then I would say certainly that’s a warning sign and a flag to pay attention to. Those aren’t the right sort of conditions for sex or the right situation.
I’m also sort of assuming that on your own, you’re still waking with the occasional morning erection and no difficulties with arousal erection with masturbation. If there’s difficulty in either of those cases, definitely go to see a urologist for an evaluation. But without having more history and assuming that all is good in those two areas, I believe that this is psychological. And it could have something or nothing to do with your ex, because it has everything to do with your confidence in yourself as a man and as a lover, as well as whether or not you’re attracted to this woman, and potentially related to the guest of anticipatory anxiety or performance demand.
The good news is, this is all treatable. So if you’re finding yourself either anxiou, or avoidant, find an AASECT certified counselor stat. They can help you figure out all the different variables that might be at play, and most importantly, what are the actual things and steps that you can take? Psychogenic erectile dysfunction is common and totally treatable. Reach out certainly before a pattern emerges and those unwanted intrusive thoughts, not sexy thoughts, take root. I know you’ve got this and I’d love to hear how it goes.
[acoustic guitar strum]
Thanks so much, Dr. Megan. I love what she pointed out about those damaging stereotypes, how common everything you’re experiencing, Philip, is, and the importance of seeking support as needed. I’ll also share a message I landed on once during a rough time that’s really simple and really struck me: This isn’t the end of your story. It can be easy to feel as though we’ve reached all life will ever have to offer—or sex or relationships have to offer—when we’re struggling, but until our last breath, we have not. The sun shines again, as they say, and good things happen, often more fabulous things than we imagined. Which is what I’m hoping for all of you as we wrap up the year.
Megan also wanted to wish you all happy holidays and remind you about a special gift (at a hefty discount) you may want to consider for yourself or a partner. Learn more in the last 5 minutes of the episode or here.
If you’re looking to further that spicy fun or would like to orgasm your way to some stress relief, head to thepleasurechest.com to explore their latest specials. Their holiday gift guide is full of awesome ideas and by signing up for their email list, you’ll get a $5 off coupon. And, there’s still time to order app-controlled toys to keep you connected to pleasure, solo or with a partner, and receive it by December 25th.
And if you’re enjoying the show, I hope to see you on Patreon. Ratings and reviews are also so appreciated. Thanks so much for listening and have beautiful, Girl Boner embracing holidays.
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