Celebrate good times, COME ON!
I’m grooving to happy tunes, because it’s time to register for the 5th annual Beauty of a Woman BlogFest. Woo hoo!
If you’re new to BOAW, here’s the scoop, in a nutshell:
Five years ago, I launched this fest out of gratitude for the support I received after sharing my experience with anorexia on my blog—which you can now read lots more about in my new book, Embraceable.
The fest has since taken on a life of its own, drawing together thousands of collective readers and writers in the name of real beauty—however we define it.
The title derives from a poem by Sam Levenson, which inspired me during my healing process.
BOAW has become a huge highlight of my every year. I’m stoked to invite you to join the inspiring fun!
How to sign up in TWO required steps:
1 – RSVP on EventBrite here: BOAW BlogFestV.
This is how you’ll receive the fest link to include in your post by email beforehand, along with any needed updates or reminders.
2 – Post a comment below this post, letting me know which category you’d like to enter: Original (real beauty in general) or Girl Boner (the beauty of sexuality).
Make sure you include your blog link with the comment, so I can grab the post on fest day.
****You can sign up as late as April 30th, but sooner is better.
As a reminder, all genders are welcome!

What to do during fest week:
On May 2nd—fest kickoff day—publish your post between 12am and 6am PST.
Include the above graphic, and link the post to the fest page: https://augustmclaughlin.com/beauty-woman-blogfest-v/.
Invite your readers to stop by my site to read folks’ posts and potentially win a fabulous prize!
Mix and mingle with participants throughout the week (5-2 — 5/9) to connect with fellow bloggers, gain inspiration, laugh, swoon, ponder, get misty-eyed and possibly win a prize yourself!
Tips for a spectacular experience:
- Write from your heart, keeping in mind that all styles (humorous, heartfelt, educational…) are welcome.
- Step out of your comfort zone! I did so here, specifically for you all.
- Need some inspiration? Check out last year’s fest to see what folks wrote about.
- Choose an engaging post title (not Beauty of a Woman BlogFest). Stronger titles = more reads.
- Support fellow festers, and include the hashtag #BOAW16 in shares.
Rather than give away gift cards, services and Kindles this year, I’ve decided to support Global Girlfriend. I’ll send FIVE winners a surprise goody from the company.
A portion of every purchase from Global Girlfriend helps provide a girl with education by providing uniforms, books, tuition, room and board, safe travel to school and more. Talk about a beautiful mission!
How to enter to win a prize:
You’ll receive raffle points for participating in the fest as a blogger, commenting on the fest page and/or commenting on all posts in either or both categories during fest week. Drawing winners will be announced shortly after the fest, here on my blog. The fest page will explain the specifics.
Ready…set…sign up! At EventBrite AND by commenting below. I can’t wait to celebrate with you!
I’ll be writing an Original post.
Wonderful, Alana. Welcome! Make sure you register on the EventBrite page as well.
Yay for BOAW! I’ll also be writing an original post this year.
Woo hoo, Rebekah! So thrilled to have you.
Unfortunately, I’m going to have to withdraw this year. I’ve been battling some major fatigue this week, and I’d stay up late tonight to finish my post if I wasn’t also battling a migraine now as well. Words are not cooperating tonight. Or my body. Blah.
Aw, feel better soon, Rebekah! You’ll be missed, but I totally understand.
Wow! I’m getting in super early this year!! Put me down for the original BOAW. I’ve already written my post!
Exciting! Welcome, Kassandra! Extra points for early prep.
has it been five years already!?
I’m participating– under the Girl Boner category. Thank you for the opportunity- Ret
Hi August, I’m covered up with tons of stuff for Oghma Creative Media, but need also to be seen out there doing things with so many books coming out. So I’ll try this for the first time. Hope I can keep up. Guess I’ll enter the beauty of sexuality. This sounds like fun.
Beautiful, Velda. I’m thrilled to have you!
Not sleeping well before travel served me well this time!
I think I completed the registration; let me know if you can’t see me there…
I am signing up for both again this year, and I have ideas! =)
Boldly Going Through the Alphabet!
Part-Time Minion for Holton’s Heroes
shanjeniah’s Lovely Chaos
Spectacular, Shan! And yes, your registration came through on EventBrite. Thanks!
Can’t wait! I’ve written a post for the Original BOAW. Heading to EventBrite next!
Superb! Welcome, Lynn!
Yay! Looking forward to posting at lanafox.com, August! Thank you so much for organizing this beautiful event — I enjoyed last year’s so much. GirlBoner category for me, please! xoxo
Wonderful, Lana! I’m so thrilled to have you and your artistry back!
Someday, maybe I’ll have the guts to enter the sexuality category… but for now, put me down in the “original.” Excited to start planning and writing!
Fantastic, Audrey. So happy to have you back!
I wasn’t going to sign up this year, because I don’t have an idea…so I signed-up. That should get the ideas moving! I’ll be writing for the original. Thanks for organizing this (and for creating it in the first place!).
Wonderful, Amy. I’m so thrilled to have you! Feel free to peek at previous fests for inspiration, or reach out if you end up feeling stuck. I’d be very happy to share some prompts!
GirlBoner for this girl.
Woo hoo! So happy to have you back, Kitt!
Put me down for one GIRL BONER, please! http://www.ArousedWomanBlog.com
YAY. You’re in!!
Excited to join in! Put me down for Original. Although might overlap with Girl Boner, not sure yet! I’ve got an idea in mind that will definitely be stepping out of my comfort zone for me!
Wonderful. Welcome, Kendra!! If you end up deciding to switch categories, no problem – just let me know a couple of days before fest week.
Girl Boner….and I already have the perfect story!
Yippee! SO happy to have you. xoxo
Last year, I triple-dog-dared myself and wrote about sexuality. I think this year, I’m gonna let myself off the hook and select the ORIGINAL option.
I’m so thrilled to have you back, Gayle!
Oops, I forgot to include my blog’s url. http://gaylecarline.blogspot.com/
You know I love you and your BOAW fest, August, but this year I’m right in the middle of a several months’ project posting on the U.S. Constitution, and I don’t want to detract from that by interrupting the series to join your fest.
As always, I wish you the best. I hope to participate again next year.
I completely understand, David. You’ll be missed! I look forward to checking your project out. Thanks for the good wishes!
Count me in for Original!
Wonderful, Jennifer! Welcome!
Hey, August! My post is ready to go – do I need to do anything besides posting it and you having my website? You’ve got it in my name link, but that goes to my static front page. Can you link to this one instead: http://jenniferjensen.com/blog/
Thanks, Jen
You got it, and you’re all set!
This is so exciting! I just registered for the BOAW blog fest.
I’m going to prepare the my post for the “Original”. I’m looking forward to participate.
I can’t wait.
I’m so thrilled to have you back, Aurora! WOO HOO!
Oh I am IN, lady!
Fantastic, Heather!! Let me know which category you’d prefer.
I’ll give it a shot in the Original category. I’ve learned a great deal about beauty since all of my operations last year. I’ll ask Holmes to chime in, too. He loves women, and I’m betting he will pull out all of his Spanish eloquence if the d**m jihadis will let up long enough for him to write something.
Thanks, August.
Wonderful, Piper. Thanks so much for joining us! Please thank Holmes, too.
Spoke with Holmes last night. He’s neck deep in national security issues and can’t break away to participate, but he sends all his best. As he says, “The world needs more Augusts.”
I, however, will have a post at the piperbayard.wordpress.com site in the original category. Looking forward to the event. Thank you for organizing this.
Girl Boner for me
Wonderful. Welcome, Nicole!
Can I change my category to Original?
Sure thing!
GirlBoner, baby!
Woo hoo! So stoked to have you.
I will be doing an original post.
Fantastic, Joan. Welcome!
Yay! How exciting! I think I’ll be writing an original post.
Hooray! Thanks for joining us, Kelly.
Here’s the link to the post for May 2nd! http://www.wilsonwrites.com/beauty-woman-seeing-clearly-mirror/
Fabulous – thanks, Kelly!
Hello,I will be doing an original post.
Fantastic, John. Welcome!
Original post, August! Glad to know about Global Girlfriend, as well.:)
Wonderful on both counts, Karen! So thrilled to have you.
How does five years fly by…just like that?
It’s always a blast to join in the BOAW BlogFest, August, and I love how you are supporting Global Girlfriend. It’s so right!
Needless to say, I’ll be in with the Original crowd … but looking forward to reading all the great contributors in both categories.
It’s pretty crazy, right?? Thanks so much for returning for more fest fun. It wouldn’t be the same without you!
Sounds great! Can’t wait. I’ll be writing a girlboner post.
So happy to have you, Sarah!
Would love to take part, August! Girl Boner post from me x x
Fantastic, Tabitha. Welcome!
While I’m not a girl, with your consent, I would love to do a Girl Boner post. I’m a huge fan of your work. Thank you for being awesome.
Absolutely, Drew. I’d be thrilled to have you in the Girl Boner category! Thanks so much for the kind words and support.
Let’s do this! Original for me, please.
Yay – welcome back, Mina!
I’m in for a Girl Boner! xoxo
So thrilled to have you, Pam! XO
Congratulations on five fabulous years, August! Count me in for Original!
Wonderful, Jan! Welcome back!
I’ll do an original post! Thank you!
Super! Welcome, Kimberly!
It looks like my comment is still awaiting moderation, but I did register with Eventbrite!
In the instructions above I think it says to put a link to my post here?
Nevermind! It is showing now… thanks!
How odd – thanks for posting here again! I’ll be nabbing links via comments (clicking folks’ profiles), and you just made that job easier.
Seeing as this is my first time, I would love to write something on Girl Boner:) just to push my comfort levels:)
I am really excited to take part in this as it resonates deeply with me:)
Wonderful, Bree! I’m so happy to have you.
My post is all set….here’s the link to my blog
Awesome – thanks, Bree!
Hey August, What link should we use in our posts to direct people to your post about BOAW and the list of participants’ links? I’ve gotten upload and schedule early because I will be traveling when the blogfest goes live! Thanks! Kass
Hi Kassandra! The fest will appear here: https://augustmclaughlin.com/beauty-woman-blogfest-v/
Note to everyone else: I’ll be emailing the link to folks tomorrow, and added it above, in case anyone should miss that.
Thanks! Here’s the link for my post: http://wp.me/p2PTtn-1Oo
And are we using #BOAWV or just #BOAW ?
Great – thanks! We’re using #BOAW16.
Got it. And just a reminder: I’m in the original section. Hey, I’m an original!! teehee
Yes, I’m in! http://Www.jennyredbug.com
Whoops. I think I forgot to add the link. My post can be found on ‘Writers Treasure Chest’. https://aurorajalexander.wordpress.com/2016/05/02/boaw-blog-fest-2016/
Girl Boner for this erotica writer. Count me in. http://victoriablisse.co.uk
Girl Boner
Hiya! Ooh I’d love to take part! Think I’ll do Girl Boner post!
I’d love to participate! I’ll give a try to Girl Boner category, please… I’m at https://greendragonartist.net/
Awesome! I’ll write in Girl Boner category .
Really wanted to join in with a Girl Boner piece but can’t because of EventBrite. Real shame.
Sorry EventBrite was troublesome! Let me know if you’d like me to manually add you in.
Aaaargh. Missed this reply.
Next year.
I’ll be writing an original post too. Go the #BOAW16
Fantastic, Angela. So happy to have you!
Very cool, I’m excited to be a part of the blog fest. (Thanks to Tabitha for posting about it on FB.)Looking forward to posting in the Girl Boner category. Go #BOAW16!
So happy to have you, Devi. Welcome!
I’m in! And…. I’m going to write about sex and self esteem in the least sexy way possible. Where would we file that?
LOL Sounds Girl Boner-esque to me! SO thrilled to have you.
I forgot to add category–original beauty!
Yikes, I almost missed this – I’ve been on a social media blackout for a few weeks and that would have been TOO SAD.
I have ideas…I shall get them to screen and link on Monday. Off to do the Eventbright.
Original Category!
Woo hoo! It wouldn’t be the same without you, Jenny.
Hi August! This will be my “coming out” post as a middle-aged, menopausal woman with clinical depression – so I’ll enter in the the Original Post category. I have registered on the EventBrite page.
Here’s the post I’m sharing: https://nursewannabeinfl.com/2015/04/15/depression-you-jealous-bitch-i-miss-you/
I’m so thrilled to have you, Michelle! No doubt, your post will inspire many. ❤️
I’m in, an Original writing.
Thank you for doing the BOAW BlogFest V!
Super, Loraine. Welcome!!
Alright, alright, alright. I’m in.
Original. https://tiffanyawhite.wordpress.com/
Need anything else?
Wonderful, Tiffany! You’re all set.
Oh eep, I might be a little late to the party but I’ll be doing the Girl Boner, so to speak
And my blog post is http://www.iamannasky.com/engaging-with-sexuality/ going live at 12am PST/8am BST
You’re in, Anna! Thanks for joining us.
Hey August, I’d love to do an Original post, but it may touch upon sex a little.
Thought I had signed up the other day, but looks like my comment didn’t post. I’d like to sign up under the Original category but that may alter as not sure what words will flow from my pen ♡
Sounds good, Laura! So glad you’ve joined us.
This sounds brilliant – if I may join in with a Girl Boner post?
Absolutely, Jillian. Welcome!
Hi, August,
I’m a bit late, but I’m going to do an Original post.
Thanks for being amazing!
So thrilled to have you, Diana! Welcome.
My post is scheduled!! Here’s the full link:
I look forward to BOAW16!
And it’s wonderful! You inspired me to sign up late too. But I was thinking I needed to wait. and I only have 15 minutes. That might be do-able.
Thank you, Debra! Enjoy the blog fest–so many fabulous posts to read.
I’m completely new to your blog and this challenge. I can see that I’m a couple of days late. But I signed up and I’m replying here to get on your mailing list. I look forward to participating next year!
Wonderful, Debra. So glad to connect!
I thought I’d already left a message but I’m in for Girl Boner!
Thanks, Victoria! I’ll add you within the hour.