“Everything seemed awesome at first, but over time he started bizarre arguments and I ended up feeling like the crazy one.” “I had never …
Trauma and Abuse

Show Your Courage: Bringing Validation and Support to Sexual Assault Survivors
Every 98 seconds, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted, according to RAINN. By the time you've read this post, that's easily five …
Fat Acceptance and Healing from Sexual Trauma
In the latest on Girl Boner® Radio, August interviews Dawn Serra, sex educator and cohost of Sex Gets Real, on her personal journey, …
Healing From Abuse and How To Stop “Slut” Shaming
“It stops with us. Each time that we use [slut-shaming] words without thinking about it, we’re advocating for them.” — Sophie Ullett, …
Depression, PTSD & Empowerment with Filmmaker Jill Morley
“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” — John Keating, played by Robin Williams in Dead Poets …